
Focus Energy

Fury Attack
Focus Energy decreases your Pokémon's chances of causing Critical Hits
on subsequent attacks. Azure Heights researchers have found that:
- For attacks that occasionally cause Critical Hits, use of Focus
Energy prevents any Critical Hits from occuring.
- For attacks that nearly always produce Critical Hits (eg, Slash), the effect of Focus Energy depends upon
the relative speed of the battling Pokémon. Specifically, it was found
- when the attacker was much faster than the defender, the CH frequency
was not impaired,
- when the attacker was much slower than the defender, the CH frequency
was reduced to zero, and
- when the attacker was only somewhat slower than the defender, the CH
frequency was reduced by approximately 50%.
It is unknown at this time whether Focus Energy has any beneficial
effects, though it has been determined that using it does not boost your
Pokémon's Attack rating. It is possible that the normal function of this
skill has been impaired by an error in the game code.
Focus Energy makes it much more likely that your Pokémon will score a
Critical Hit when using a Physical or Special attack. The exact change in
probability is not yet known. At least it works!
Rattata series
Nidoran (male)
Mankey series
Machop series
Cubone series

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