
Electric Attacks

Electric attacks are most effective against Water and Flying Pokémon.
(Watch out, Gyarados!)
Electric attacks are weakest against Grass, Electric, and Dragon
All Electric attacks (including Thunder Wave) are completely
ineffective against Ground Pokémon. It is therefore essential to have a
non-Electric attack on your Electric Pokémon for it have any chance
against a Ground Pokémon. Fighting attacks are useful against pure Ground
types and very effective against Rock/Ground types, but weak against both
Nidoran series. Normal attacks are weak to Rock/Ground Pokémon, but
otherwise useful. Fighting attacks might have the edge, since they at
least have a chance of being super effective, but it really depends on
your selection of attacks and which Ground Pokémon you fear most.
Most Electric attacks are very accurate and all have the potential to
paralyze a victim if they hit successfully.
Note that Pokémon affected by another major Status change (eg, poisoned
or sleeping Pokémon) cannot be paralyzed. This does not include minor
status changes like confusion.
Thunder Wave vs. Other Electric Attacks
Thunder Wave is unlike other Electric attacks, in that it does no
damage whatsoever. But whereas the other attacks only have a small chance
of paralyzing the victim, if Thunder Wave hits, the victim will
unquestionably be paralyzed. And Thunder Wave hits often, because it is
very accurate. This is a very good, if specialized, attack. (You probably
don't want both Thunder Wave and Toxic on the
same Pokémon, however, since a paralyzed Pokémon cannot be poisoned, and
vice versa.)
As kick-ass attacks go, Thunder is pretty krappy. It does the same
amount of damage as other top of the line elemental attacks, but it is
very inaccurate. It does come with 10 PP, which is more than usual for an
attack of its caliber, but not much sucks more than missing twice in a row
when you're trying to finish off an opponent. Thunderbolt is far more
reliable and is likely to finish off your opponent faster than
Thunderbolt vs. Thunderpunch
Thunderbolt is equal to Thunderpunch in every way except power.
Thunderbolt has the edge and will cause more damage to your opponent.
Thunderpunch is still a good, solid move and not without novelty value on
your Electabuzz, but given a choice,
Thunderbolt is clearly better.
Thunderbolt vs. Thundershock
No contest. Thunderbolt is far superior to Thundershock. Even though
Thundershock has twice as many PP as Thunderbolt, Thunderbolt does more
than twice as much damage. So unless you enjoy shouting, "Pikachu, Thundershock!", it's not worth
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