Flying Attacks

Flying attacks are most effective against Grass, Fighting, and Bug
Pokémon. (Another quad-weakness for
Flying attacks are weakest against Electric and Rock Pokémon.
In general, Flying attacks are pretty mediocre. Since there are no
pure Flying species, your Pokémon will most likely have access to more
damaging attacks.
Flying attacks can't be completely written off, however. They are very
useful for fighting Ghost Pokémon. Since defense against Flying attacks
is based on the Defense statistic and the
Gastly series have considerably lower
Defense scores than Special scores, Flying attacks are an effective way to
get past both their immunity to Normal and Fighting Attacks and their high
Mirror Move vs. Other Flying Attacks
Mirror Move is an interesting oddity. Since it copies the last attack
your opponent used against your Pokémon, whatever type that attack might
be, it's not really comparable to the other Flying attacks. It certainly
has novelty value and can prove useful in certain
Consider, however, that when using a Mirrored attack, the effect is
just as if the Pokémon knew the attack and used it itself, both with
regards to the victim's vulnerability and the attacker's 50% type-matching
damage bonus (or lack thereof). Thus it is likely that a Mirrored attack
will not be as effective as another Flying attack, particularly if the
victim is using attacks that take advantage of its own type(s), to which
it will probably have some resistance.
This is a tough one. While Drill Peck is both more powerful and
slightly more accurate than Fly, Fly has alternate uses both in and out of
Fly is indispensable when playing the game, to quickly get from place
to place. And inside of battle, it makes your Pokémon virtually
invulnerable for one turn (excepting Swift),
thus draining the PP of the victim and prolonging the effects of burns or
poisonings (on both Pokémon).
On the other hand, it telegraphs your attack, so your opponent might
get the chance to switch out his
Gengar before you unleash on him.
Also note that, as with all HMs, once a Pokémon has learned Fly, it will
be stuck with it forever (barring use of a cheating device).
If Drill Peck is available to your Flying Pokémon, and you are more
concerned with battling than game play, Drill Peck probably has a slight
edge due its reliability and damage. But the edge is very slight and Fly
is still a solid (and useful) attack. The "better" attack is clearly just
a matter of preference.
No contest. Peck has a lot of PP, but not enough to overcome its
unbearable weakness. Drill Peck is far superior.
Drill Peck vs. Sky Attack
At first glance, Sky Attack looks like a really good attack. It's very
accurate for a high-powered attack, but it takes two turns to attack,
which essentially cuts its power in half. (Fly's Average Damage is not
affected in the above chart, because your Pokémon is not a sitting duck
during the first turn.)
Even worse, your Pokémon spends one turn charging before attacking (as
opposed to the one turn of recovery that follows a Hyper Beam), during which time he is
vulnerable to both direct attack (unlike Fly) and a possible switch-out of
Pokémon weak to Flying attacks. And because the delay is on the first
turn, it's not even valuable as a "finisher" like Hyper Beam. That is,
there is no chance of taking out your opponent on the first turn, so you
might as well attack twice with a single-turn attack. There's a chance the
victim will be defeated on the first turn and you'll actually do more
damage in two turns with Drill Peck (or Fly). (With Hyper Beam, there is a
chance of knocking out the opponent before your Pokémon has to recharge,
thus sparing it from another enemy attack.)
The net result is that Sky Attack is actually less powerful, less
accurate, and has significantly fewer PP than both Drill Peck and
Drill Peck vs. Wing Attack
Wing Attack is very accurate and has a lot of PP, but, like Peck, is so
miserably weak that it's not even worth considering. Drill Peck (or Fly)
is clearly a better choice.
For some half-Flying Pokémon, Wing Attack the only available Flying
attack. Even for these Pokémon, however, Wing Attack is probably not a
very good idea.
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