
Water Attacks

Attack |
Type |
Base |
PP |
Pow |
Acc |
Avg |
Effects |
TM |
HM |
Bubble |
Spec |
30 |
20 |
99.6 |
19.9 |
lower victim Speed (10% chance) |
- |
- |
Bubblebeam |
Spec |
20 |
65 |
99.6 |
64.7 |
lower victim Speed (10% chance) |
11 |
- |
Clamp |
Spec |
10 |
35 |
74.6 |
91.4 |
multiturn attack/ immobilize victim |
- |
- |
Crabhammer |
Spec |
10 |
90 |
84.4 |
75.9 |
high CH chance |
- |
- |
Hydro Pump |
Spec |
5 |
120 |
79.7 |
95.6 |
- |
- |
- |
Surf |
Spec |
15 |
95 |
99.6 |
94.6 |
useful for
transportation |
- |
03 |
Water Gun |
Spec |
25 |
40 |
99.6 |
39.8 |
- |
12 |
- |
Waterfall |
Spec |
15 |
80 |
99.6 |
79.7 |
- |
- |
- |
Water attacks are most effective against Fire, Ground, and Rock
Pokémon. They are especially strong against Rock/Ground Pokémon, which
include those generally thought of as simply Rock Pokémon (eg,
Onix and the
Geodude series). Even a young
Psyduck would have very little
trouble taking down a huge (but slow) Onix.
Water attacks are weakest against Water, Grass, and Dragon
Bubblebeam is more than three times as damaging as Bubble and so is
worth the upgrade if you are interested in keeping a Speed-lowering move.
It does have 10 fewer PP than Bubble, but 20 PP is still a lot. Note that
the chance of lowering a victim's Speed is slim, so, in the long run, a
more damaging Water attack is probably a better choice.
Clamp vs. Other Water Attacks
While Clamp's Power rating appears dismal in the chart of above, it
should be pointed out that it is a multi-turn attack. This is good for
immobilizing the enemy while it is poisoned or burned, for example. In
addition, immobilized victims do not attack, which means that while it
might take Clamp longer to dish out the damage, your
Cloyster isn't getting hit
either. Because Clamp typically continues from 2 to 5 turns in a row, the
Average Damage was multiplied by 3.5 to yield a respectable 91.4.
If the victim's trainer has other viable Pokémon remaining on his team,
he can switch Pokémon while the Clamp attack continues. However, the
Clamping Pokémon will immediately attack again (burning up another PP) and
have a chance to immobilize the new victim. But if the opposing trainer
switches to a Pokémon resistant to Water attacks, it's not going to do a
lot of damage.
Even under optimum conditions, Clamp is still likely to do less damage
than Surf and possibly burn some extra PP getting there, but used in the
right situations (perhaps in conjunction with Toxic), it can be effective. But it shouldn't be
relied upon as your Cloyster's primary attack.
Surf vs. Other Water Attacks
Something to keep in mind is that Surf is a necessity to game play, as
a means of transportation over bodies of water. If you're not at the stage
of the game yet where you are simply grooming a team for link battles,
Surf is usually worth the investment. It is a solid attack, so it's not
wasting a precious spot on your Water Pokémon, is used frequently in
non-battle game play, and has a good number of PP. The only drawback is
that, as with all HMs, once a Pokémon has learned Surf, it will be stuck
with it forever (barring use of a cheating device).
Surf is more than twice as damaging as Water Gun and is therefore worth
the upgrade. Surf's 15 PP is pretty good, and 15 Surfs will inflict
significantly more damage than 25 Water Guns.
If you also take into account Surf's usefulness outside of battle and
the fact that it can be added to an infinite amount of Pokémon via Hidden
Machine, the upgrade to Surf is really a no-brainer, barring some odd PP
wasting scheme or fear of commitment to a permanent addition to your
Pokémon's move set. Luckily, most Pokémon that can learn Water Gun can
also learn Surf.
Interestingly, while it is true that Surf is more accurate than Hydro
Pump, in the long run, there is very little difference between the two. If
you were to use each 100 times, you would end up with a roughly equivalent
damage total. Therefore, it's up to personal preference whether you prefer
the good chance of The Big Hit to the almost certain chance of a Solid
Hit. Do take into account Hydro Pump's low number of PP,
Surf has more PP, is more accurate and inflicts slightly more damage
than Crabhammer in normal conditions. However, Crabhammer has a
significantly higher chance of Critical Hitting, which tips the balance in
its favor, especially when you consider that Critical Hits cut through
defensive moves like Light Screen.
Even without the bonus, Crabhammer is still a pretty good attack, although
not as reliable as Surf, and will look nice on your
Krabby series (despite that species'
depressingly low Special score).
Surf is virtually identical to Waterfall in battle, except that it
inflicts more damage. So unless you want to hang on to the novelty value
of a more obscure attack, it is not mathematically worth the loss on your
Goldeen series.
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