Ground Attacks

Ground attacks are most effective against Fire, Electric, Rock and
Poison Pokémon. However...
...since all Ground attacks (including Fissure) are totally
ineffective against Flying Pokémon, don't expect to hurt a
Zapdos or
Aerodactyl with Earthquake.
Ground attacks are weakest against Grass and Bug Pokémon. (Try
something else on Parasect!) Note
that a good number of Grass and Bug Pokémon are also half-Poison, thus
negating this penalty. Bug Pokémon that are half-Flying (ie,
Butterfree and
Scyther), however, are completely
safe from Ground attacks.
On the other hand, Ground attacks are an extremely effective way of
dealing with Ghost Pokémon. Not only because they are half-Poison, but
also because the Gastly series have much
lower Defense scores than Special scores and Ground attacks are
Ground attacks are, in general, very strong and those who can learn
them typically have high Attack scores, thus making them quite formidable
in battle. Ground attacks are everything Rock attacks should be, but
If you have a Rock/Ground Pokémon, Ground attacks are almost certainly
a better choice for your Pokémon than Rock attacks, except for the case of
dealing with Flying Pokémon. A strong Normal attack, such as Slash or Body
Slam also can take advantage of a high Attack score and would be more
reliable and, in some cases, more damaging than Rock Slide. (Rock Slide, however, is handy
for special cases, such as Charizard and
Fissure vs. Other Ground Attacks
Fissure is a one-hit KO attack and therefore unlike all other Ground
attacks (except in its inability to affect Flying Pokémon). You should
learn all you can about one-hit KOs before deciding
if Fissure is right your Pokémon (eg, if your Pokémon isn't fast enough,
it might not be worth it to you at all).
Bonemerang is more accurate and much more powerful than Bone Club. Bone
Club does have twice as many PP, and a small chance of causing the victim
to not attack on the turn of its use, but this doesn't make up for its
lack of power.
Bonemerang vs. Earthquake
Earthquake sets the standard for Ground attacks. While Bonemerang is
equally powerful (and a lot cooler), it's not as accurate as
Earthquake. Earthquake is the better choice, but if you don't have an
extra TM for it or you just want your
Marowak to have a cool attack, you'll
still be in fine shape.
Note that while Bonemerang has exactly half the power of Earthquake, it
always hits twice (when it does hit).
Earthquake and Dig have equivalent power, PP and accuracy. The
difference is that Dig works similar to Fly, in
that on the first turn of its use, the attacker burrows underground and
out of range of nearly all attacks (Swift is
the famous exception). The next turn, the attacker will pop up out of the
ground and attack normally, just as if it had used Earthquake.
(By the way, Dig gets the same Average Damage rating as Earthquake
because your Pokémon is practically invulnerable for one turn. This, of
course, doesn't take Swift into consideration, but it's difficult to
numerically represent that. But keep that in mind when making your
This can be a good method of prolonging battles while a victim is
poisoned or burned, or of draining PP, if that is the plan. The big
drawback is that it gives advance warning of your attack. If your opponent
has a Flying Pokémon, he can switch to it and be assured that it'll
receive no damage from the Dig.
Another thing to consider is that Dig is useful in game play to
immediately escape from caves and some buildings directly to the most
recently vistied Pokémon Center. If you're still playing the RPG side of
the game, this extremely useful feature might make you favor Dig over the
more straightforward Earthquake.
At any rate, both attacks are quite good and you probably won't go
wrong with either of them, if you use them wisely.
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