- More Linear Algebra, Please, from the AMS Blog On Teaching and Learning Mathematics
- Lots of good expositions here.
- I was writing a book called "What is ADE?" but it's on pause. Here's the beginning.
My PhD is sort of like a book: Generalized noncrossing partitions and combinatorics of Coxeter groups, 2009.
Braid groups, clusters and free probability, outline from an AIM workshop, Jan 2005.
Slides/Scans From Talks
- Cyclic Sieving of Multisets with Bounded Multiplicity and the Frobenius Coin Problem, Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 93, Pocinho, Mar 2025.
- Rational Noncrossing Partitions and Associahedra, Schödinger Institute, Vienna, Feb 2025.
- Lattice Points and Rational q-Catalan Numbers, Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 92, Strobl, Sept 2024.
- RCC (Rational Catalan Combinatorics), FPSAC 2017, Queen Mary, London.
- The McKay Correspondence, colloquium at Universität des Saarlandes, July 2016.
- Introduction to the McKay Correspondence, three lectures presented at Universidad de Talca, Chile, Nov 2015.
- Catalan Numbers: From Euler-Goldbach-Segner to Berest-Etingof-Ginzburg, MIT Combinatorics Seminar, May 2015.
- What is ADE?, from AMS Central Spring Sectional, MSU, March 2015.
The A Story of Catalan Numbers, from AMS Fall Eastern Sectional, Halifax, Oct 2014.
- Noncrossing Parking Functions, from Non-crossing partitions in representation theory, Bielefeld, June 2014.
- Tesler Matrices, from Saganfest, Gainesville, March 2014.
- Rational Associahedra, from Enumerative combinatorics, Oberwolfach, March 2014.
- Rational Catalan Combinatorics 4(!?), from CAAC 2014, Halifax.
- Rational Associahedra, York U Applied Algebra Seminar, Nov 2012.
- Maximal Chains of Parabolic Subgroups, from CanaDAM 2013, St Johns.
- Music of the Spheres, talk for Dade County Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Feb 2013.
- Rational Catalan Combinatorics 3, from this AIM workshop, Palo Alto, Dec 2012.
- Rational Parking Functions, from CMS Winter Meeting, Montreal, Dec 2012.
- Rational Catalan Combinatorics 2, from SIAM DM12, Halifax, June 2012.
- Rational Catalan Combinatorics 1, from JMM 2012 and AMS Spring Eastern 2012.
- Hyperplane Arrangements & Diagonal Harmonics, from FPSAC 2011, Iceland.
- Parking Modules, from AMS Spring Eastern 2011, Worcester, MA.
- Shi and Ish, from Quasisymmetric Functions, Banff, Nov 2010.
- Buffon's Noodle, talk for the David Essner Competition awards ceremony, University of Miami, 2009.
ArXived Papers
- Cyclic Sieving of Multisets with Bounded Multiplicity and the Frobenius Coin Problem (2025)
- Lattice points and rational q-Catalan numbers (2024)
- Where is the Cone? (2017)
- Sweep maps: A continuous family of sorting algorithms (2014), with N. Loehr and G. Warrington.
- Rational noncrossing partitions and Catalan numbers (2014), with N. Loehr and G. Warrington.
- Results and conjectures on simultaneous core partitions (2013), with C. Hanusa and B. Jones.
- Rational associahedra and noncrossing partitions (2013), with B. Rhoades and N. Williams.
- Parking Spaces (2012), with V. Reiner and B. Rhoades.
- Combinatorics of Tesler matrices in the theory of Theory of Parking Functions and Diagonal Harmonics (2011), with A. Garsia, J. Haglund, B. Rhoades and B. Sagan.
- A uniform bijection between nonnesting and noncrossing partitions (2011), with Christian Stump and Hugh Thomas.
- The Shi Arrangement and the Ish Arrangement (2010), with Brendon Rhoades.
- Hyperplane Arrangements and Diagonal Harmonics (2010)
- Sorting orders, subword complexes, Bruhat order and total positivity (2009), with Patricia Hersh.
- Euler characteristic of the truncated order complex of generalized noncrossing partitions (2009), with Christian Krattenthaler.
- Nonhomogeneous parking functions and noncrossing partitions (2008), with Sen-Peng Eu.
- The sorting order on a Coxeter group (2007)
- Scientific community: Take heed of our experimenting skills.