
Ice Pokémon

Name |
T1 |
T2 |
HP |
Att |
Def |
Spd |
Spc |
Avg |
Avl |
Articuno |
383 |
268 |
298 |
268 |
348 |
313 |
U |
U |
U |
Cloyster |
303 |
288 |
458 |
238 |
268 |
311 |
E |
E |
E |
Dewgong |
383 |
238 |
258 |
238 |
288 |
281 |
W |
W |
W |
Jynx |
333 |
198 |
168 |
288 |
288 |
255 |
U |
U |
X |
Lapras |
463 |
268 |
258 |
218 |
288 |
299 |
U |
U |
U |
Ice's weaknesses are negligible, for the most part, because you won't
see much of the three types of Pokémon whose attacks are strong against
them: Fighting, Fire, and Rock. Of those that are used, your Ice
Pokémon should have little difficulty dealing with them.
Fighting Pokémon are weak to Psychic, one of the strongest types in the
game and the most often used type of Pokémon. Fire and Rock are weak to
the most prolific element, Water, which three of the five Ice types carry
as a subtype.
Also, the majority of Rock
Sliders are part Ground and therefore weak to Ice. Two of the most
commonly used Fire types: Charizard
and Moltres, are weak to Ice attacks
because they are half Flying.
Ice Pokémon are resistant only to Ice attacks.
Suggested attacks:
Ice Beam,
Double Team,
The most impervious of the Ice Pokémon, Articuno has a massive Special,
HP and a good Defense level. Nothing's going to be hurting it any time
soon. Ice and Flying carry a lot of weaknesses separately, but due to the
cruddiness of Fire and Rock Pokémon (even with the quad-damage multiplier
of Rock Slide), Electric attacks are the only viable way to get rid of an
Articuno without having to resort to PP-wasting. Articuno is one of the
few Pokémon able to effectively utilise Double Team + Rest + Substitute,
turning it into an impenetrable wall. His Speed is somewhat below average,
but more than enough to outrun the heavier Pokémon, especially
Rhydon who might otherwise pose a
significant threat.
Ultra-defense is the only real way to go for Articuno. He isn't nearly
as versatile as his cousin Zapdos,
having to settle for Fly rather than the mighty Drill Peck. The fourth move on
Articuno is somewhat variable: Blizzard for extra power, Substitute for
defense, Fly for a secondary attack and Bubblebeam for the
Suggested attacks:
Ice Beam,
Ice Beam,
Double Team,
He could have been good. Highest Defense in the game does seem
attractive, and his Attack isn't too bad either. Clamp's a strong unique
move, and Ice Beam is just plain powerful. Sadly, Cloyster's Special and
HP more than write him off. His HP is worse than Jynx, equalling
Magneton. It stops his defense from
being as good as it could have been, and why would anyone bother with
Physical attacks against him, considering that he can down all the
Physical-based types save for Normal, and he's much easier to kill with
Special attacks? Despite being a personal favourite of mine, I'm afraid
Cloyster gets the thumbs-down for battle usage.
An alternate moveset for Cloyster has been suggested that might make
Cloyster a viable contestant. The tactics involved are somewhat unorthodox
by my standards, but appear to have merit, if you're lucky with
Suggested attacks:
Ice Beam,
Double Team,
Dewgong can DT/Rest relatively well, but just don't do it, okay?
Dewgong has nothing on Lapras save for 20 points of Speed, but he's still
slow. The only purpose I can see for Dewgong in a proper lineup is to
serve as a second Lapras due to tournament limitations regarding more than
one Pokémon of the same species.
The moveset suggested is meant as a freezing platform. Surf or a
Physical attack over Blizzard might also prove useful for PP
Suggested attacks:
Lovely Kiss,
Double Team/Reflect.
Suggestive attacks:
Lovely Kiss,
Body Slam.
Oh, hell yeah. Fastest Pokémon with a 75% accurate Sleep attack. Part
Psychic, and therefore resistant to the two strongest elements in the
game. One of two Pokémon to learn Blizzard naturally. Need I say more?
Of course, Jynx can't exactly take damage, with a Defense level that
even Dugtrio laughs at. Assuming your
opponent is going to use Physical moves, Double Team and Reflect can
provide some protection. Watch out for Physical-based Normal types, but
all of the other Physical-based types are easy prey to Jynx's attacks.
Also, Fire types are very popular amongst the children, so be on your
guard incase someone uses them for the one thing they're good for. In
order to work around Jynx's poor staying power, pin down opponents with
Lovely Kiss and DT up while they sleep. You'll find that due to Jynx's
Speed, opponents are often reluctant to switch for fear of having another
Pokémon asleep. The Sleep Clause somewhat lessens Jynx's powers, but she's
still a juggernaut.
Jynx learns some very "suggestive" physical abilities, such as Thrash,
Lick and Body Slam (oo-er). These are purely for comic value and should be
ditched as soon as possible.
Despite being thought of as a joke Pokémon, Jynx is one of the
Attack Lapras:
Ice Beam,
Confuse Ray,
Defense Lapras:
Ice Beam,
Double Team,
Confuse Ray,
One of the few Pokémon that can work in any Level bracket, being a
popular choice for Pika and Poké Cup teams as well as Prime Cup.
Masses of offensive capability, with Special attacks of all types for
all occasions. Thunderbolt and Ice Beam are the most popular choices, but
some have found Solarbeam over
Thunderbolt to be useful, or even Psychic over the somewhat risky
However, when choosing attacks, don't leave it with Surf or Hydro Pump, as there are so many
better moves available. Unless you really need the PP (which might come in
handy if going with a single attack) or something to get rid of Fire
types, I wouldn't recommend it.
Masses of staying power, with a giant HP level. Lapras can Rest
effectively with Confuse Ray as its only protection. If Confusion doesn't
seem enough, Double Team is always available.
Lapras' main weakness is its Speed, though 218 is not as slow as some.
218 is enough to outrun Exeggutor,
and it is here that those last few points of Box-Tricked Speed can make
all the difference.
If you can work around his Speed, Lapras is lethal. Worthy of a place
on any lineup.
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