Teaching Pokémon

Box Trick
Here are some basic things to consider when deciding which attacks your
Pokémon should know.
A Pokémon can know a maximum of four attacks at a time. If a Pokémon
that knows four attacks tries to learn a new one, it must either forget an
existing attack or give up learning the new attack.
A Pokémon cannot know the same attack more than once at any given time.
That is, two attack slots cannot be filled with the same attack. Each
known attack must be different from the other currently known
All Pokémon know at least one attack when you get them. Pokémon can
naturally learn more attacks as they gain levels. If a Pokémon already
knows four attacks and its trainer doesn't want it to learn a new one, the
Pokémon can abandon learning the new attack. In this case, it will now be
unable to learn this attack naturally. Otherwise, an existing attack can
be forgotten to make room for the new attack.
If a Pokémon gains several levels at a time (perhaps by Piggybacking), and the level at which an
attack is normally learned is skipped, the Pokémon loses the opportunity
to learn that attack naturally.
TMs are items numbered from 01 to 50 that allow you to teach a specific
attack to your Pokémon. TMs are good for one use only and not all Pokémon
can use a given TM. Some TMs are unique and others can be purchased at
stores in any quantity you can afford.
Locations of each TM within the game, as well as which Pokémon are
capable of using the TM, are noted at the bottom of the individual attack
page for that TM.
Azure Heights provides a complete list of
all TMs, from which you can get to any of the individual pages.
If a Pokémon that already knows four attacks attempts to learn a TM, it
can either forget an existing attack to make room for the TM, or the
trainer can decide to abandon teaching the TM at this point. The TM will
be unaffected.
HMs are items numbered from 01 to 05 that allow you to teach a specific
attack to your Pokémon. HMs are unique, but can be used as many times as
you like, although not all Pokémon can use a given HM.
Note that once an HM has been used on a Pokémon, the learned attack
cannot be forgotten, barring the use of cheating device.
All HMs have a function outside of battle. For example, Surf allows your character to travel
across bodies of water. Most are necessary to complete the game.
Locations of each HM within the game, as well as which Pokémon are
capable of using the HM, are noted at the bottom of the individual attack
page for that HM.
Azure Heights provides a complete list of
all HMs, from which you can get to any of the individual
If a Pokémon that already knows four attacks attempts to learn an HM,
it can either forget an existing attack to make room for the HM, or the
trainer can decide to abandon teaching the HM at this
Pokémon that use attacks that match their type (or just one of them) do
50% more damage with the same attack than Pokémon who aren't of the same
For instance, a Clefable will be
more effective with Body Slam
than an Electabuzz of equivalent
Attack strength, because Body Slam is a Normal attack and Clefable's type
is Normal. On the other hand, Electabuzz will be a lot more effective with
Thunderbolt than an equally
powerful Clefable.
Additionally, even though Ice
Beam and Surf are of equivalent power,
Blastoise will cause more damage with
Note that if a Pokémon has two types, it can gain the bonus for both
attack types. For example, a Dodrio
will be extra effective when using
both Drill Peck and Hyper Beam.
Also note that certain species got screwed when it comes to this bonus.
Butterfree, for instance, is a
Bug/Flying Pokémon, but it can learn neither Bug, nor Flying attacks.
Dragonite can learn Dragon Rage, but since Dragon Rage
always causes 40 HP of damage, no matter what, it gains no benefit
from using this attack.
Physical Attacks vs. Special Attacks
The damage caused by a Physical attack is based on the attacking
Pokémon's Attack score and the victim's Defense score. Special attacks are
based the Special score of both the attacker and the victim. (Check the Explanations page to see which attacks
are based on which scores.) Because of this, most Pokémon are more
effective using one sort of attack than the other. Sometimes they will
even be more effective with an attack that doesn't match its type!
For example, Kingler's Attack
score is significantly higher than its Special score, so it can be more
effective using Body Slam than Surf, even though it's a Water Pokémon!
Keep this in mind when your Arcanine
doesn't seem to be kicking as much butt with Flamethrower as it ought to.
It is often considered important for a Pokémon to have access to both
Physical and Special attacks, so that it can modify its style based on its
opponent. In many cases this is true. In some cases, however, this is not
Mewtwo is a prime example. Its
Special score is so high, that it is even very strong against other
Pokémon with high Special scores. In a majority of cases, it will do just
fine without a Physical attack.
Another consideration is that a majority of the extremely popular
Pokémon (Mewtwo, Gengar,
Jolteon, etc.) have much higher
Special scores than Defense scores. For this reason, attacks such as Body
Slam and Drill Peck can be much more effective than you might initially
You must also carefully consider your Pokémon's other statistics when
selecting attacks.
Double Team is an immensely
popular attack (and rightly so), and almost universally suggested for any
Pokémon. However, if your Pokémon is not particularly sturdy and/or has no
ability to heal itself, it might not be a wise choice.
Hitmonlee, for instance, is
extremely powerful offensively, but can't withstand a lot of damage. If he
Double Teams three times and gets hit 2 out of those 3 times, there's a
good chance he won't be around to unleash a mighty barrage of kicking
fury. Even with Rest, it's likely he
won't survive long enough to make this strategy pay off. Double Team is
still not a bad choice to fill in a spare attack slot if you are stumped
for a fourth attack, as it's a good filler move for when you need to stall
(eg, if the opponent is Biding or you
think he's about to Fly or Dig), but fragile Pokémon shouldn't rely
upon it as a primary means of defense.
For the same reason, Meditate
does not really make sense for Lee. He'd be much better off just kicking
away like a madman before going down to a strong Special attack. The
Meditation will not pay off if Lee is out cold, so it makes more sense to
use Lee's massive offense as his defense.
On the other hand, Chansey's huge
amount of HP, along with its high Special give it some breathing room
while Double Teaming (or Minimizing). Coupled with Softboiled, the mild-mannered
Chansey can become a formidable opponent.
To give another example, Electrode
is the fastest Pokémon in the game, even faster than Mewtwo, but, like
Hitmonlee, he can't take a whole lot of abuse. In his case, his Speed can
be taken advantage of by using him as a hit-and-run attacker.
Because of his Speed, if you start the battle with him, he is almost
guaranteed to be able to get off a Thunder Wave before the opponent
has a chance to protect himself from such an attack. (Only another
Electrode will have a chance of going first.) He can then be switched out
immediately. If the opponent is fully paralyzed or takes the first turn to
power up, Trode will be completely fresh (minus one Thunder Wave PP) and
ready to repeat this performance each time one of your Pokémon faints. If
it looks like it's his last chance, he can Explode instead of Thunder Waving,
still comfortable in the knowledge that he will almost certainly go
In this way, he'll probably never take down a Pokémon on his own
(although you might consider letting him fight like a man against a
low-Special Water Pokémon), but can be of tremendous help to the rest of
your team.
Learning to play to an individual Pokémon's strengths is vital to
maximizing your team's potential, and often leads to interesting and
innovative strategies.
It is very important to consider attacks in relation to each other.
For example, if you plan on using a
Hypno to put enemy Pokémon to sleep
(say, to set them up for Dream
Eater, which is almost useless without a sleep-inducing attack), Body
Slam would be a poor choice as a Physical attack. A paralyzed Pokémon
cannot be put to sleep, so if your Hypno accidentally paralyzes an
opponent, you've eliminated the effectiveness of half your Hypno's move
set. In this case, Tri Attack is
a better choice, if you are looking for a Normal attack.
Experimentation with the interaction of different attacks can sometimes
yield unexpected results. For example, Toxic and Leech Seed are a deadly
Generally, it is also a good idea to cover your Pokémon's attack type
weaknesses. For instance, if your
Snorlax is loaded up with Normal
attacks, it would be totally ineffective against Ghost Pokémon. A perfect
solution to this situation is Earthquake, as Ground attacks very
nicely complement Normal attacks, leaving your Snorlax able to deal with
anything that comes its way.
This is not always worthwhile, however. Unless your Electabuzz is nuts,
for example, he's not going to try and slug it out with a
Marowak, so it's not entirely
necessary to plan for such a showdown. The wise trainer will switch
Buzz out, if at all possible.
This leads to the larger concept of not only planning an individual
Pokémon's move set, but building a cohesive team. Ice attacks are so
useful, for example, that it's usually a good idea to have at least one
Pokémon on your team capable of utilizing them.
Your team should be as versatile as possible (within reason) to deal
with anything your opponent might throw at you. Pay attention to the whole
selection of attacks your team has at its disposal and make sure you
haven't left any gaping holes in your offense. You might also consider the
usage of "support" Pokémon, such as the Electrode mentioned above.
If you find your team to be vulnerable to a particular Pokémon, say,
Exeggutor, that might tip the balance
in favor of adding something like Fire Blast or Pin Missile to one of your
Pokémon's arsenal. This is the sort of thing that is not immediately
evident if you're simply optimizing your team one member at a
As you can see, there's a lot more to selecting the proper attacks for
your Pokémon than just picking the four strongest attacks it can learn.
The more preparations you make, the better shape you'll be in on the
A well-planned team can easily make the difference between victory and
defeat, give you peace of mind, and prevent panicking when you're on the
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