No talk is complete without a few typos. If you find some, feel free to email me.
FPSAC 2017 The Waldspurger Transform of Permutations and Alternating Sign Matrices 7/13/2017 I tried something new and made these slides using reveal.js
For the Graduate Student Combinatorics Conference 4/8/2017 Mostly the same as the previous talk, just some tweaks here or there.
Symmetric Group Tilings and Alternating Sign Matrices 10/28/2016 The Alternating Sign Matrix Lattice actually embeds inside of the Meinrenken tile!
More on The Waldspurger Decomposition 3/28/2016 An extended version of the previous talk but with more on the dual graph
The Combinatorics of the Waldspurger Decomposition 3/5/2016 I gave this talk at the AMS special session on symmetric functions in Athens, GA.

James McKeown
Department of Mathematics 528B
University of Miami
Coral Gables, FL 33124
+1 (305)284-1956