
Electric Pokémon

Name |
T1 |
T2 |
HP |
Att |
Def |
Spd |
Spc |
Avg |
Avl |
Electabuzz |
- |
333 |
264 |
212 |
308 |
268 |
277 |
W |
X |
X |
Electrode |
- |
323 |
198 |
238 |
378 |
258 |
279 |
W |
W |
W |
Jolteon |
- |
333 |
228 |
218 |
358 |
318 |
291 |
K |
K |
K |
Magneton |
- |
303 |
218 |
288 |
238 |
338 |
277 |
W |
W |
W |
Raichu |
- |
323 |
278 |
208 |
298 |
278 |
277 |
W |
W |
X |
Zapdos |
383 |
278 |
268 |
298 |
348 |
315 |
U |
U |
U |
Electric isn't too bad a type defensively, only weak to Ground
Resistant to Flying, which hardly means much considering that Flying
attacks are weak for the most part and rare in any case. Being resistant
to itself doesn't mean a whole lot either, considering that none of the
Electric types can learn attacks strong against themselves. The Electric
type is essentially neutral, with Ground as the only real weakness.
It's hard to pick out one single "best" Electric type, or classify them
as a group. Magneton's a tank, Electrode is fast, Zapdos is a good
all-rounder and Jolteon's got Pin Missile. While not as individually
unique as the Fire types, there's a great deal of specialisation in the
Electrics. Choose the one that works best for your team.
Suggested attacks:
Seismic Toss,
Light Screen,
Double Team.
Every type has its Magikarp.
Its stats are pretty close to Raichu (a bit more HP, Defense and
Speed), and it learns Light Screen in both Red and Blue. Play him like you
would Raichu.
It's not that bad, but Raichu surpasses it completely and the
mouse is in every version (though Raichu's Light Screen and natural
DT/Thunderbolt is only in Yellow). Just because Electabuzz is rare doesn't
make it any better. It's TM listing is somewhat better than Raichu's with
the ability to learn Psychic,
but you're better off giving Psychic to something that can damage other
Pokémon with it. Some see Psychic as Electabuzz' sole selling point,
though his stats are too weak to hurt things with it and the versatility
gained is hardly anything notable.
Main Battle Electrode:
Thunder Wave,
Light Screen,
Double Team,
Support Electrode:
Thunder Wave,
Fastest Pokémon in the game, need I say more?
Not too good in terms of offensive stats, but can hold its own against
most opponents. Electrode's main attraction is his Speed. If he could
learn Spore somehow, he'd be
cheaper than Mewtwo.
Thunder Wave is his greatest asset, open with him and start firing.
Electrode's Thunder Wave is particularly useful in Stadium, where a Substitute protects the user
from paralysis. Since Electrode is faster than Mewtwo, he can nail it with
Thunder Wave before Mewtwo puts up a sub.
The Support Electrode uses Flash and Screech to prompt an opponent to
switch, thereby adding more paralyzed Pokémon to Electrode's tally before
Can set up quite well with Double Team and Light Screen, but like
almost all the other Electric types, his Defense isn't too hot. If there's
even the slightest chance your opponent has Earthquake, withdraw Electrode,
though the Support Electrode's Flash/Screech/Explosion may deter even a
Rhydon should you get lucky.
Doesn't learn any Electric moves naturally, so Support Electrode is all
you're going to get should you have used both your Electric TMs. A balance
between the Support and Main Battle Electrodes may suit your playing style
better than either of the two extremes.
Suggested attacks:
Pin Missile,
Thunder Wave,
Double Team.
Second-fastest Pokémon in the game, equal to
Aerodactyl and Mewtwo. Add
that to masses of Special, and you're looking at one of the best Electric
types, if not one of the strongest Pokémon in the game.
Covers its weaknesses to a certain extent naturally, by learning Pin
Missile for Grass types. Double
Kick is nigh on worthless on Jolteon, some take it for its multiplier
on Rock types, but their massively high Defense and Jolteon's below
average Attack somewhat cancels it out. Pin Missile's x4 multiplier on
Grass/Poison (or Grass/Psychic) is lethal, and the multiplier gained
against the weak-defense psykers make it a good choice.
Sand-Attack and Double
Team, coupled with Jolteon's speed, make it an incredibly hard target.
However, I find that Jolteon doesn't have the survivability needed for
such a tactic. Swift is somewhat
of a threat, like Raichu, Jolteon hasn't got the Defense to last against a
dedicated Swift Pokémon. Try to take out the Swifting opponent rather
than sacrifice all your defensive moves, but don't hesitate to switch if
things are looking more than slightly in the other guy's favour.
Suggested attacks:
Double Team,
Thunder Wave,
Tenth highest Special, equal to
Tentacruel. High Defense. HP and
Attack are pretty terrible, equalling
Cloyster and
Porygon respectively. Its relatively
poor HP is somewhat offset by its other, tank defensive stats.
Doesn't learn any Electric moves bar Thundershock, a couple of TMs
are in order. If TMs are out, take Raichu. There seem to be three favoured
setups for Magneton. One is Screech/Swift, one is Thunder Wave/Supersonic, and one is neither
of the two.
In my humble opinion, the first two "combos" are worthless. Magneton's
Attack is terrible, Screech can only do so much to help it. Swords Dance/Swift is weak
enough on a Mew, a Pokémon with an
Attack level above 250. Supersonic is as accurate as Sing. Flash/Double Team is probably a
more reliable setup than Supersonic/Thunder Wave. Supersonic/Thunder Wave
does deal quite a lot of damage when it works, but then again, so does Horn Drill.
If you can get Screech/Swift or Supersonic/Thunder Wave to work, then
by all means go for it. Hell, put them both together if you don't have any
TMs left. Each to his own, I guess.
Suggested attacks:
Body Slam,
Double Team.
Suggested Yellow attacks:
Light Screen,
Double Team,
attack of your choice.
Equal highest Attack out of the Electric types. Horrible Defense,
almost as bad as Dugtrio (10 points
off, to be exact). HP's not too hot either. Swift is somewhat of a threat
against Raichu, DT offers no protection and Raichu hasn't got the Defense
to last a slugging match.
Raichu is best used as the all-rounder in a lineup, as his offensive
stats are quite well balanced. Personally, I don't find him all that
useful, as there are a lot of other Pokémon with better stats for
linebacking duties.
You begin to appreciate Yellow Raichu when the TMs are all used up.
Double Team (one of two Pokémon to pick up this show-stopper naturally),
Thunderbolt and Light Screen are part of its move listings making it a
good choice for TMless lineups. Suffers from having a relatively good
Attack but needing TMs to take advantage of it, the only decent Physical
attack being Swift.
Suggested attacks:
Light Screen,
Thunder Wave/Drill Peck,
Double Team.
Highest Special and HP of the Electrics, equal highest Attack, second
in Defense. Not quite as fast as the majority of Electric types, though
still speedy.
Part-Flying completely negates its weakness to Ground, but adds Ice and
Rock to the list. Doesn't really matter, as Zapdos is tank enough to take
the hits. Grass types are normally a viable solution to Electric types,
but Zapdos' Drill Peck sorts that out. Not as weak to Rock as the other
two Birds.
A great moves list. Drill Peck is incredibly handy, as none of the
other Electric types learn any decent Physical attacks of their own
accord, with the possible exception of Jolteon's Pin Missile. The Thunder
Wave TM's also a decent choice. Paralysis is always good to have
This guy's got staying power, having one of the highest Specials in the
game, great HP and Light Screen on his side. Rock is still a threat, but
the only thing with Rock
Slide that could threaten a balanced lineup would be Mew or the
increasingly popular Rhydon.
Most people don't use him for the out-of-character element and his
weakness to Ice (however negated by his Special and Light Screen), which
is a fair enough reason. After all, how often do you see a Mewtwo without
Blizzard these
Complete Type Listing
Pure Electric
Type Pokémon

Electabuzz |

Jolteon |
Half Electric
Type Pokémon

Zapdos |
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