Bruno Benedetti
Associate Professor
Education: TU Berlin, 2010
Research Area: Geometric Combinatorics
Email: bruno@math.miami.edu
Office: Ungar 533
Tel: 305.284.8652
Bruno Benedetti is an associate professor in the Math Department at U Miami. His research, supported by NSF, is focused on the intersection of Geometry and Combinatorics; in particular, he exploits algebraic, metric, and probabilistic tools to tackle long-standing problems in PL manifold theory, in convexity, and in algorithmic topology. Bruno received his Ph.D. from the Berlin Mathematical School (2010), and held postdoctoral positions in Stockholm and Berlin, before joining the University of Miami in 2015.
Selected publications - complete list
On locally constructible spheres and balls (with G. M. Ziegler). Acta Mathematica 206 (2011), 205-243.Discrete Morse Theory for Manifolds with Boundary. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 364 (2012), 6631-6670.
The Hirsch conjecture holds for normal flag complexes (with K. Adiprasito), Mathematics of Operations Research 39, Issue 4 (2014), 1340-1348.
Smoothing Discrete Morse theory, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Serie V, Vol. XVI, Fasc. 2 (2016), 335-368.
Mogami manifolds, nuclei, and 3D simplicial gravity, Nuclear Physics B 919 (2017), 541-559.
Press and Media
Selected interviews
Il Fatto Quotidiano
Buongiorno Miami
Radio Deejay (at 2h30min)
WDR, Radio Colonia
Little Big Italy, S03 Ep 10
Liguri nel Mondo, Primocanale (mp4)
podcast Ricercati (mp3)
Liguri nel Mondo, Primocanale (mp4)
Liguri nel Mondo, Primocanale (mp4)
Liguri nel Mondo, Primocanale (mp4)
Selected video-lectures
Four lectures on discrete Morse theory (Ljubljana, 2013)
Balinski's theorem and dual graphs of curves (Seattle, Jan 2016)
Optimal discrete Morse vectors are not unique (Miami-Stanford, Sept 2016)
Regularity of complete intersections of lines (ICERM, Nov Sep 2016)
Mogami triangulations (MSRI, Oct 2017)
Mathematics and Arts
Curation of
``Serie Armonica Alternata'', with Barbara Paci Art Gallery for the Milan Design Week (Milano, Salvioni Design, April 2018). You can read about it here (in English) or here (in Italian).
I am a member of the Miami Scientific Italian Community.
Currently teaching
See teaching page
Come visit the Combinatorics Seminar, or see the research webpage for more information.
Four lectures on discrete Morse theory (Ljubljana, 2013)
Balinski's theorem and dual graphs of curves (Seattle, Jan 2016)
Optimal discrete Morse vectors are not unique (Miami-Stanford, Sept 2016)
Regularity of complete intersections of lines (ICERM, Nov Sep 2016)
Mogami triangulations (MSRI, Oct 2017)
Mathematics and Arts