

The Azure Heights staff does the best it can to test everything on this
site, even if we don't always show our work for reasons of aesthetics or
coherence. If you'd like to know how something was determined or have a
question, comment, or (heaven forbid!) correction concerning anything
here, please e-mail us.
Your correspondence is welcome, especially if you have something to add or
think we're in error.
- JT Toad
- Current Site Design and Hosting, Editing, What's New?, Forum, Chat,
Contributors, Links, Lots of Minor Things All Over the Site Too Numerous
to Record Here
- M.W.F.
- Original Site Design and Hosting, Founders
- Toby Martin
- Current Site Design
- cl00bie
- Chat
- Rikka
- Chat
- ZZTRaider
- Chat
- Toby Martin
- Research and Testing, Individual Attack pages, Type and Other
- JT Toad
- Attack and Machine charts, Type and Other Comparisons
- M.W.F.
- Original Attack and Machine charts
- Necrosaro
- Original Power and Accuracy values
- Agent 0007
- Mist
- AgentM2
- Lick, Meditate
- BBD127
- Roar
- Brian Robinson
- Rage
- Cat-Gonk
- Haze, Mist, Substitute, One-hit KOs
- cfalcon
- Toxic
- cmsnrub25
- Rage
- Dragonite21
- Dream Eater, Psywave, Solar Beam, Stun Spore
- Enter Your Name Here
- Flash
- Jackdaw
- Poison Sting, Selfdestruct, Super Fang, Swords Dance
- Jedah
- Ice Beam
- Jon Ference
- Rage
- Kabutops
- Psychic
- KeroKato
- Psychic
- King Zapdos
- Dig, Fissure, Fly
- Lunair
- Hydro Pump, Stat Mods
- Madelyn
- Psywave
- MewTwoSama
- Counter, Explosion, Pay Day, Selfdestruct
- Olavo
- Stomp
- poccil
- Teleport
- Porcupine
- Blizzard, Fire Blast
- Psybro
- Substitute
- Quetzalcoatl
- Body Slam
- Rhyann
- Focus Energy
- Sephiroth Sage
- Selfdestruct
- Stephen
- Aurora Beam, Swords Dance
- VaporeonsHaze
- Screech
- Victreebel 100
- Water Attacks
- White Cat
- Clamp, Explosion, Seismic Toss
- M.W.F.
- Type, Number, Evolution, Original Individual Pokémon pages
- JT Toad
- Pokémon charts, Individual Pokémon pages, Type Comparisons
- Cat-Gonk
- Type Comparisons
- GolemKong
- Individual Pokémon pages, Type Comparisons
- cfalcon
- Individual Pokémon pages
- Avalanche
- Pokémon Growth Rates
- Necrosaro
- Max Stat values
- cmsnrub25
- Staryu, Starmie, Zapdos
- Dark Jaguar
- Mew
- Dreadite
- Grass Pokémon
- Flareon
- Lapras
- Jenova
- Ninetales (icon)
- Huor
- Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam
- KeroKato
- Pokémon I-M
- Kobayashi
- Bug Pokémon
- MewTwoSama
- Grass Pokémon
- NeoSyrex
- Bug, Grass, and Ice Pokémon
- Simyn Locke
- Bug and Grass Pokémon
- Toby Martin
- Grass Pokémon
- Toby Martin
- Research and Testing, Catching, Training, Box Trick, Battle Damage, Type
Chart, Myths
- JT Toad
- Training, Teaching, Box Trick, Battle Damage, Type Chart, Myths
- M.W.F.
- Catching, Training, Box Trick, Type Chart
- Cat-Gonk
- Training
- White Cat
- Battle Damage, Myths
- Dragonite21
- Myths
- Mu (µ)
- Training
- Rolken
- Myths
- Rysto
- Myths
- cfalcon
- Overview, Max Stats, Attacks
- JT Toad
- Overview, Max Stats, Attacks
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