1. Y. Li, S. Ruan and Z.-C. Wang, Asymptotic behavior of endemic equilibria for a SIS epidemic model in convective environments, Journal of Differential Equations (accepted)
  2. Y. Zhao, Q. Deng, Z. Qiu, T. Guo and S. Ruan, Modeling the interaction of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and oncolytic viruses in a tumor microenvironment, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (accepted)
  3. G. Zhao and S. Ruan, Singularly perturbed time-periodic eigenvalue problems with spectral fractional Laplace operators, Asymptotic Analysis (accepted)
  4. P. Wu, L. Zou and S. Ruan, An age-structured syphilis model, I: Well-posedness and stability, Proceedings of the Royal Society A (in press)
  5. P. Wu and S. Ruan, An age-structured syphilis model, II: Optimal control and numerical simulation, Proceedings of the Royal Society A (in press)
  6. Y. Li, S. Ruan and Z.-C. Wang, Effects of advection and diffusion on the principal eigenvalue of a periodic-parabolic operator, Indina University Mathematical Journal (accepted)
  7. N. Wang, S. Ruan and Z.-C. Wang, Transition waves and spreading speeds for nonlocal delayed reaction-diffusion equations in time almost periodic media, Israel Journal of Mathematics (accepted)
  8. D. Deng, W.-T. Li, S. Ruan and L. Zhang, Propagation dynamics in time-periodic reaction-difusion systems with network structure, Studies in Applied Mathematics (accepted).
  9. Z. Huo, J. Huang, Y. Kuang, S. Ruan and Y. Zhang, Oscillations in a tumor-immune system interaction model with immune response delay, Mathematical Medicine and Biology: A Journal of IMA, dqae016.
  10. J. Yao, J. Huang, R. Huzak and S. Ruan (2024), Cyclicity of slow-fast cycles with one self-intersection point and two nilpotent contact points, Nonlinearity 37, 115007 (pp. 1-31).
  11. M. Lu, C. Xiang, J. Huang and S. Ruan (2024), Dynamics of the generalized Rosenzweig-MacArthur model in a changing and patchy environment, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 465, 134197 (pp. 1-20).
  12. Y.-X. Feng, W.-T. Li, S. Ruan and M.-Z. Xin (2024), Principal spectral theory of time-periodic nonlocal dispersal cooperative systems and applications, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 56, 4040-4083.
  13. Z. Zhu, Y. Xu, X. Liu and S. Ruan (2024), Modeling the the p53-Mdm2 dynamics triggered by DNA damage, Journal of Nonlinear Science 34(3), 47 (pp. 1-50).
  14. S.-X. Wu, Z.-C. Wang and S. Ruan (2024), Hopf bifurcation in an age-structured predator¿prey system with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response and constant harvesting, Journal of Mathematical Biology 88(5), 56 (pp 1-74).
  15. Y. Liu, X. Feng, S. Ruan and J. Yu (2024), Periodic dynamics of a single species model with seasonal Michaelis-Menten type harvesting, II: Existence of two periodic solutions, Journal of Differential Equations 388, 253-285.
  16. Q. Pan, M. Liu, J. Huang and S. Ruan (2024), Effects of whaling and krill fishing on the whale-krill predation dynamics: bifurcations in a harvested predator-prey model with Holling type I functional response, Journal of Mathematical Biology 88 (4), 42 (pp. 1-30).
  17. Y. Xu, Y. Yang, F. Meng and S. Ruan (2024), Degenerate codimension-2 cusp of limit cycles in a Holling-Tanner model with harvesting and anti-predator behavior, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 76, 103995 (pp. 1-33).
  18. L. Li, Y.-Z. Pang, G.-Q. Sun and S. Ruan (2024), Impact of climate change on vegetation patterns in Altay Prefecture, China, Mathematical Medicine and Biology: A Journal of IMA 41, 53-80.
  19. Y. Yang, Y. Xu, L. Rong and S. Ruan (2024), Bifurcations and global dynamics of a predator-prey mite model of Leslie type, Studies in Applied Mathematics 152 (4), 1251-1304.
  20. C. Xiang, J. Huang, M. Lu, S. Ruan and H. Wang, Bifurcations and pattern formation in a host-parasitoid model with nonlocal effect, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
  21. L. Schultz, A. Gondim and S. Ruan (2024), Gompertz models with periodical treatment and applications to prostate cancer, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 21(3), 4104-4116.
  22. A. Ducrot, H. Kang and S. Ruan, Age-structured models with nonlocal diffusion of Dirichlet type, II: Global dynamics, Israel Journal of Mathematics (accepted)
  23. A. Ducrot, H. Kang and S. Ruan, Age-structured models with nonlocal diffusion of Dirichlet type, I: Principal spectral theory and limiting properties, Journal d'Analyse Math\'ematique (accepted).
  24. Y. Zhang, L. Xie, Y. Dong, J. Huang, S. Ruan and Y. Takeuchi (2023), Bifurcation analysis in a tumor-immune system interaction model with dendritic cell therapy and immune response delay, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 83, 1892-1914.
  25. H. Kang and S. Ruan (2023), Principal spectral theory in multigroup age-structured models with nonlocal diffusion, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 62(7), 197 (pp. 1-60).
  26. C. Kribs, S. Ruan and Z. Feng (2023), A celebration of Fred Brauer's legacy in mathematical biology, Journal of Mathematical Biology 87, 37 (pp. 1-7).
  27. S. Ruan and D. Xiao (2023), Imperfect and Bogdanov-Takens bifurcations in biological models: from harvesting of species to isolation of infectives, Journal of Mathematical Biology 87, 17 (pp. 1-26).
  28. Y. Yang, L. Zou, J. Zhou and S. Ruan (2023), Dynamics of a nonlocal viral infection model with spatial heterogeneity and general incidence, Journal of Evolution Equations 23(2), 29 (pp. 1-33).
  29. X. Feng, Y. Liu, S. Ruan and J. Yu (2023), Periodic dynamics of a single species model with seasonal Michaelis-Menten type harvesting, Journal of Differential Equations 354, 237-263.
  30. G. Zhao and S. Ruan (2023), Spatiotemporal dynamics in epidemic models with Levy Flights: A fractional diffusion approach, Journal de Math\'ematiques Pures et Appliqu\'es 173, 243-277.
  31. S. Shi, J. Huang, Y. Kuang and S. Ruan (2023), Stability and Hopf bifurcation of a tumor-immune system interaction model with an immune checkpoint inhibitor, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 118, 106996 (pp. 1-35).
  32. C. Tian, Z. Liu and S. Ruan (2023), Asymptotic and transient dynamics of SEIR epidemic models on weighted networks, European Journal of Applied Mathematics 34, 238-261..
  33. Z. Chen, J. Liu, Z. Qian, L. Li, Z. Zhang, G. Feng, S. Ruan and G. Sun (2023), Monitoring land degradation through vegetation dynamics mathematical modeling: Case of Jornada Basin (in the US), Remote Sensing 15 (4), 978 (pp. 1-16)
  34. A. Ducrot, H. Kang and S. Ruan, Age-structured models with nonlocal diffusion of Dirichlet type, II: Global dynamics, Israel Journal of Mathematics (accepted)
  35. A. Ducrot, H. Kang and S. Ruan, Age-structured models with nonlocal diffusion of Dirichlet type, I: Principal spectral theory and limiting properties, Journal d'Analyse Math\'ematique (accepted).
  36. Y. Zhang, L. Xie, Y. Dong, J. Huang, S. Ruan and Y. Takeuchi (2023), Bifurcation analysis in a tumor-immune system interaction model with dendritic cell therapy and immune response delay, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 83, 1892-1914.
  37. H. Kang and S. Ruan (2023), Principal spectral theory in multigroup age-structured models with nonlocal diffusion, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 62(7), 197 (pp. 1-60).
  38. C. Kribs, S. Ruan and Z. Feng (2023), A celebration of Fred Brauer's legacy in mathematical biology, Journal of Mathematical Biology 87, 37 (pp. 1-7).
  39. S. Ruan and D. Xiao (2023), Imperfect and Bogdanov-Takens bifurcations in biological models: from harvesting of species to isolation of infectives, Journal of Mathematical Biology 87, 17 (pp. 1-26).
  40. Y. Yang, L. Zou, J. Zhou and S. Ruan (2023), Dynamics of a nonlocal viral infection model with spatial heterogeneity and general incidence, Journal of Evolution Equations 23(2), 29 (pp. 1-33).
  41. X. Feng, Y. Liu, S. Ruan and J. Yu (2023), Periodic dynamics of a single species model with seasonal Michaelis-Menten type harvesting, Journal of Differential Equations 354, 237-263.
  42. G. Zhao and S. Ruan (2023), Spatiotemporal dynamics in epidemic models with Levy Flights: A fractional diffusion approach, Journal de Math\'ematiques Pures et Appliqu\'es 173, 243-277.
  43. S. Shi, J. Huang, Y. Kuang and S. Ruan (2023), Stability and Hopf bifurcation of a tumor-immune system interaction model with an immune checkpoint inhibitor, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 118, 106996 (pp. 1-35).
  44. C. Tian, Z. Liu and S. Ruan (2023), Asymptotic and transient dynamics of SEIR epidemic models on weighted networks, European Journal of Applied Mathematics 34, 238-261..
  45. Z. Chen, J. Liu, Z. Qian, L. Li, Z. Zhang, G. Feng, S. Ruan and G. Sun (2023), Monitoring land degrada-tion through vegetation dynamics mathematical modeling: Case of Jornada Basin (in the US), Remote Sensing 15 (4), 978 (pp. 1-16).
  46. L. Pang, S.-L. Wu and S. Ruan (2023), Long time behavior for a periodic Lotka-Volterra reaction-diffusion system with strong competition, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 62, 99 (pp. 1-30).
  47. X. Wang, G. Lin and S. Ruan (2023), Spreading speeds and traveling wave solutions of diffusive vector-borne disease models without monotonicity, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics 153, 137-166.
  48. J. Chen, X. Huo, A.B.B. Wilke, J. C. Beier, C. Vasquez, W. Petrie, R. S. Cantrell, C. Cosner, and S. Ruan (2023), Linking mathematical models and trap data to infer the proliferation, abundance, and control of Aedes aegypti, Acta Tropica 239, 106837 (pp.1-15).
  49. S.-L. Wu, L. Pang and S. Ruan (2023), Propagation dynamics in periodic predator-prey systems with nonlocal dispersal, Journal de Math\'ematiques Pures et Appliqu\'ees 170, 57-95.
  50. Y.-X. Feng, W.-T. Li, S. Ruan and F.-Y. Yang (2022), Dynamics and asymptotic profiles of a nonlocal dispersal SIS epidemic model with bilinear incidence and Neumann boundary conditions, Journal of Differential Equations 335, 294-346.
  51. H. Kang and S. Ruan (2022), Principal spectral theory and asynchronous exponential growth for age-structured models with nonlocal diffusion of Neumann type, Mathematische Annalen 384, 575-623.
  52. G.-Q. Sun, H.-T. Zhang, L.-L. Chang, Z. Jin, H. Wang, and S. Ruan (2022), On the dynamics of a diffusive foot-and-mouth disease model with nonlocal infections, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 82, 1587-1610.
  53. J. Huang, H. Kang, M. Lu, S. Ruan,and W. Zhuo (2022), Stability analysis of an age-structured epidemic model with vaccination and standard incidence rate, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 66, 103525 (pp. 1-21).
  54. X. Wang, G. Lin and S. Ruan (2022), Spatial propagation in a within-host viral infection model, Studies in Applied Mathematics 149, 43-75.
  55. H. Kang, S. Ruan and X. Yu (2022), Age-structured population dynamics with nonlocal diffusion, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 34, 789-823.
  56. L. Xie and S. Ruan (2022), On a macrophage and tumor cell chemotaxis system with both paracrine and autocrine loops, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 21, 1447-1479.
  57. M. Lu, J. Huang, S. Ruan and P. Yu (2021), Global dynamics of a susceptible-infectious-recovered epidemic model with a generalized nonmonotone incidence rate, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 33, 1625-1661.
  58. B. Ambrosio, A. Ducrot and S. Ruan (2021), Generalized traveling waves for time-dependent reaction-diffusion systems, Mathematische Annalen 318, 1-27.
  59. H. Kang and S. Ruan (2021), Mathematical analysis on an age-structured SIS epidemic model with nonlocal diffusion, Journal of Mathematical Biology 83: 5 (pp. 1-30).
  60. X. Huo, J. Chen and S. Ruan (2021), Estimating asymptomatic, undetected and total cases for the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan: a mathematical modeling study, BMC Infectious Diseases 21: 476 (pp. 1-18).
  61. T.-H. Hsu and S. Ruan (2021), Relaxation oscillations and the entry-exit function in multi-dimensional slow-fast systems, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 53(4), 3717-3758.
  62. H. Kang and S. Ruan (2021), Approximation of random diffusion by nonlocal diffusion in age-structured models, Zeitschrift fuer angewandte Mathematik und Physik 72, 108 (pp.1-17 ).
  63. Q. Su and S. Ruan (2021), Periodic solutions of partial functional differential equations, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society Series B 8, 145-157.
  64. H. Kang, X. Huo and S. Ruan (2021), On first-order hyperbolic partial differential equations with two internal variables modeling population dynamics of two physiological structures, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 200, 403-452.
  65. M. Lu, Y. Shu, J. Huang, S. Ruan, X. Zhang and L. Zou (2021), Modelling homosexual and heterosexual transmissions of hepatitis B virus in China, Journal of Biological Dynamics 15, 177-194.
  66. W.-B. Xu, W.-T. Li and S. Ruan (2021), Spatial propagation in nonlocal dispersal Fisher-KPP equations, Journal of Functional Analysis 280, 108957 (pp. 1-35).
  67. H. Kang and S. Ruan (2021), Nonlinear age-structured population models with nonlocal diffusion and nonlocal boundary conditions, Journal of Differential Equations 278, 430-462.
  68. X. Chen, W. Jiang and S. Ruan (2021), Global dynamics and complex patterns in Lotka-Volterra systems: The effects of both local and nonlocal intraspecific and interspecific competitions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 499, 125015 (pp. 1-18).
  69. S. Ruan (2021), Nonlinear dynamics in tumor-immune system interaction models with delays, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 26, 541-602.
  70. X. Jiang, Z. She and S. Ruan (2021), Global dynamics of a predator-prey system with density-dependent mortality and ratio-dependent functional response, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B 26, 1967-1990.
  71. D. Bai, Y. Kang, S. Ruan and L. Wang (2021), Dynamics of an intraguild predation food web model with strong Allee effect in the basal prey, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 58, 103206. pp. 1-36.
  72. W.-B. Xu, W.-T. Li and S. Ruan (2020), Spatial propagation in an epidemic model with nonlocal diffusion: the influences of initial data and dispersal, Science China Mathematics 63, 2177-2206.
  73. Q. Su and S. Ruan (2020), Existence of periodic solutions in abstract semilinear equations and applications to biological models, Journal of Differential Equations 269, 11020-11061.
  74. S. Shi, J. Huang, J. Wen and S. Ruan (2020), Bifurcation analysis of a dynamical model for the innate immune response to initial pulmonary infections, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 30, No. 16, 2050252. pp. 1-22.
  75. Y. Liu, S. Ruan and L. Yang (2020), Stability transition of persistence and extinction in an avian influenza model with Allee effect and stochasticity, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 91, 105416.
  76. H. Kang, X. Huo and S. Ruan (2020), Nonlinear physiologically-structured population models with two internal variables, Journal of Nonlinear Science 30, 2847-2884.
  77. L. Zou and S. Ruan (2020), A patch model of COVID-19: the effects of containment on Chongqing, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 43(2), 310-323.
  78. H. Kang, Q. Huang and S. Ruan (2020), Periodic solutions of an age-structured epidemic model with a periodic infection rate, Communication Pure and Applied Analysis 19(10), 4955-4972.
  79. G. Lin, Y. Niu, S. Pan and S. Ruan (2020), Spreading speed in an integrodifference predator-prey system without comparison principle, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 82, 53.
  80. Z. Liu, C. Tian and S. Ruan (2020), On a network model for two competitors with applications to the invasion and competition of Aedes Albopictus and Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes in the United States, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 80(2), 929-950.
  81. J.-W. Bo, G. Lin and S. Ruan (2020), The effect of initial values on extinction or persistence in degenerate diffusion competition systems, Journal of Mathematical Biology 80, 1423-1458.
  82. H. Zhao, P. Wu and S. Ruan (2020), Dynamic analysis and optimal control of a three-age-class HIV/AIDS epidemic model in China, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B 25(9), 3491-3521.
  83. C. Xiang, J. Huang, S. Ruan and D. Xiao (2020), Bifurcation analysis in a host-generalist parasitoid model with Holling II functional response, Journal of Differential Equations 268, 4618-4662.
  84. L. Zhao, Z.-C. Wang and S. Ruan (2020), Dynamics of a time-periodic two-strain SIS epidemic model with diffusion and latent period, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 51, 102966 (pp.28).
  85. Q. Huang, X. Huo, D. Miller and S. Ruan (2019), Modeling the seasonality of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections in hospitals with environmental contamination, Journal of Biological Dynamics 13 (sup1), 99-122.
  86. J. Huang, S. Ruan, P. Yu and Y. Zhang (2019), Bifurcation analysis of a mosquito population model with a saturated release rate of sterile mosquitoes, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 18 (2), 939-972. SIAM News Nugget: Modeling Sterile Mosquito Release to Control Disease, July 15, 2019.
  87. Y. Lou, K. Liu, D. He, D. Gao and S. Ruan (2019), Modelling dispause in mosquito population growth, Journal of Mathematical Biology 78, 2259-2288.
  88. Q. Huang, M. A. Horn and S. Ruan (2019), Modeling the effect of antibiotic exposure on the transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in hospitals with environmental contamination, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 16 (5), 3641-3673.
  89. F.-Y. Yang, W.-T. Li and S. Ruan (2019), Dynamics of a nonlocal dispersal SIS epidemic model with Neumann boundary conditions, Journal of Differential Equations 267, 2011-2051.
  90. M. Lu, J. Huang, S. Ruan and P. Yu (2019), Bifurcation analysis of a SIRS epidemic model with a generalized nonmonotone and saturated incidence rate, Journal of Differential Equations 267, 1859-1898.
  91. J. Pang, J. Chen, Z. Liu, P. Bi and S. Ruan (2019), Local and global stabilities of a viral dynamics model with infection-age and immune response, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 31, 793-813.
  92. C. Tian and S. Ruan (2019), Pattern formation and patchiness in an allelopathic plankton model with delay in a network, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 18, 531-557.
  93. Q. Huang, X. Huo and S. Ruan (2019), Optimal control of environmental cleaning and antibiotic prescription in an epidemiological model of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections in hospitals, Mathematical Biosciences 311, 13-30.
  94. J. Huang, S. Ruan, Y. Shu and X. Wu (2019), Modeling the transmission dynamics of rabies for dog, Chinese ferret badger and human interactions in Zhejiang Province, China, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 81, 939-962.
  95. L. Zhao, Z.-C. Wang and S. Ruan (2018), Traveling wave solutions in a two-group SIR epidemic model with constant recruitment, Journal of Mathematical Biology 77, 1871-1915.
  96. J. Huang, S. Ruan, X. Wu and X. Zhou (2018), Seasonal transmission dynamics of measles in China, Theory in Biosciences 137, 185-195.
  97. J. Chen, J. C. Beier, R. S. Cantrell, C. Cosner, D. O. Fuller, Y. Guan, G. Zhang and S. Ruan (2018), Modeling the importation and local transmission of vector-borne diseases in Florida: The case of Zika outbreak in 2016, Journal of Theoretical Biology 455, 342-356.
  98. L. Zou, J. Chen, X. Feng and S. Ruan (2018), Analysis of a dengue model with vertical transmission and application to the 2014 dengue outbreak in Guangdong Province, China, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 80, 2633-2651.
  99. B. Tang, X. Huo, Y. Xiao, S. Ruan and J. Wu (2018), A conceptual model for optimizing vaccine coverage to reduce vector-borne infections in the presence of antibody-dependent enhancement, Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 15, 13.
  100. C. Tian and S. Ruan (2018), On an advection-reaction-diffusion competition system with double free boundaries modeling invasion and competition of Aedes Albopictus and Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes, Journal of Differential Equations 265, 4016-4051.
  101. G. Zhao and S. Ruan (2018), Spatial and temporal dynamics of a nonlocal viral infection model, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 78, 1954-1980.
  102. W.-J. Bo, G. Lin and S. Ruan (2018), Traveling wave solutions for the periodic reaction-diffusion systems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 38, 4329-4351.
  103. Z. Liu, J. Chen, J. Pang, P. Bi and S. Ruan (2018), Modelling and analysis of a nonlinear age-structured model for tumor cell populations with quiescence, Journal of Nonlinear Science 28, 1763-1791.
  104. J. Huang, S. Liu, S. Ruan and D. Xiao (2018), Bifurcations in a discrete predator-prey model with nonmonotonic functional response, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 264, 201-230.
  105. W.-B. Xu, W.-T. Li and S. Ruan (2018), Fast propagation for reaction-diffusion cooperative systems, Journal of Differential Equations 265, 645-670.
  106. X. Zhang, L. Zou, J. Chen, Y. Fang. J. Huang, J. Zhang, S. Liu, G. Feng, C. Yang and S. Ruan (2017), Avian influenza A H7N9 virus has been established in China, Journal of Biological Systems 25(4), 605-623.
  107. S. Ruan, J. Wei and D. Xiao (2017), On the distribution of zeros of a third-degree exponential polynomial with applications to delayed biological systems, Journal of Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology 9(4), 381-390.
  108. S. Ruan (2017), Spatiotemporal epidemic models for rabies among animals, Infectious Disease Modelling 2, 277-287.
  109. L.-M. Cai, X.-Z. Li, B. Fang and S. Ruan (2017), Global properties of vector-host disease models with time delays, Journal of Mathematical Biology 74, 1397-1423.
  110. L. Zou, J. Chen and S. Ruan (2017), Modeling and analyzing the transmission dynamics of visceral leishmaniasis, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 14, 1586-1604.
  111. L. Wang and S. Ruan (2017), Modeling nosocomial infections of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus with environment contamination, Scientific Reports 7, 580. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-00261-1.
  112. D. He, D. Gao, Y. Lou, S. Zhao and S. Ruan (2017), A comparison study of Zika virus outbreaks in French Polynesia, Colombia and the State of Bahia in Brazil, Scientific Reports 7, 273. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-00253-1.
  113. S. Ruan (2017), Modeling the transmission dynamics and control of rabies in China, Mathematical Biosciences 286, 65-93.
  114. C. Tian and S. Ruan (2017), A free boundary problem for Aedes aegypti mosquito invasion, Applied Mathematical Modelling 46, 203-217.
  115. L. Zhao, Z.-C. Wang and S. Ruan (2017), Traveling wave solutions in a two-group epidemic model with latent period, Nonlinearity 30, 1287-1325.
  116. L. Zhang, F. Zhang and S. Ruan (2017), Linear and weakly nonlinear stability analyses of Turing patterns for diffusive predator-prey systems in freshwater marsh landscapes, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 79, 560-593.
  117. Y. Li, Z. Teng, S. Ruan, M. Li and X. Feng (2017), A mathematical model for the seasonal transmission of schistosomiasis in the lake and marshland regions of China, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 14, 1279-1299.
  118. Z.-C. Wang, H.-L. Niu and S. Ruan (2017), On the existence of axisymmetric traveling fronts in Lotka-Volterra competition-diffusion systems in $R^3$, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 22(3), 1111-1144.
  119. S. Liu, S. Ruan and X. Zhang (2017), Nonlinear dynamics of avian influenza epidemic models, Mathematical Biosciences 283, 118-135.
  120. J. Huang, Z. Liu and S. Ruan (2017), Bifurcation and temporal periodic patterns in a plant-pollinator model with diffusion and time delay, Journal of Biological Dynamics 11, No. S1, 138-159.
  121. J. Chen, J, Huang, J. C. Beier, S. R. Cantrell, C. Cosner, D. O. Fuller, G. Zhang and S. Ruan (2016), Modeling and control of local outbreaks of West Nile Virus in the United States, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 21(8), 2423-2449.
  122. Z.-C. Wang, W.-T. Li and S. Ruan (2016), Existence, uniqueness and stability of pyramidal traveling fronts in reaction-diffusion systems, Science China - Mathematics 59(10), 1868-1908.
  123. J. Chu, Z. Liu, P. Magal and S. Ruan (2016), Normal forms for an age structured model, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 28, 733-761.
  124. D. Gao, Y. Lou, D. He, T. C. Porco, Y. Kuang, G. Chowell and S. Ruan (2016), Prevention and control of Zika as a mosquito-borne and sexually transmitted disease: A mathematical modeling analysis, Scientific Reports 6, 28070. doi: 10.1038/srep28070.
  125. D. Gao, T. C. Porco and S. Ruan (2016), Coinfection dynamics of two diseases in a single host population, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 442, 171-188.
  126. J. Huang, X. Xia, X. Zhang and S. Ruan (2016), Bifurcation of codimension 3 in a predator-prey system of Leslie type with simplified Holling type IV functional response, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 26(2), 1650034 (11 pages).
  127. J. Huang, S. Liu, S. Ruan and X. Zhang (2016), Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation of codimension 3 in a predator-prey model with constant-yield predator harvesting, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 15(2), 1053-1067.
  128. H. Gil, W. A. Qualls, C. Cosner, D. L. DeAngelis, A. Hassan, A. M. Gad, S. Ruan, S. R. Cantrell, and J. C. Beier (2016), A model for the coupling of the Greater Bairam and local environmental factors in promoting Rift-Valley Fever epizootics in Egypt, Public Health 130, 64-70.
  129. G. Lin and S. Ruan (2016), Persistence and failure of complete spreading in delayed reaction-diffusion equations, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 144(3), 1059-1072.
  130. Z. Liu, P. Magal and S. Ruan (2016), Oscillations in age-structured models of consumer-resource mutualisms, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 21(2), 537-555.
  131. F. Chamchod, C. Cosner, R. S. Cantrell, J. C. Beier and S. Ruan (2016), Transmission dynamics of Rift Valley fever virus: Effects of live and killed vaccines on epizootic outbreaks and enzootic maintenance, Frontiers in Microbiology 6: 1568. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2015.01568.
  132. Y. Yang, L. Zou and S. Ruan (2015), Global dynamics of a delayed within-host viral infection model with both virus-to-cell and cell-to-cell transmissions, Mathematical Biosciences 270, 183-191.
  133. S. Liu, S. Ruan and X. Zhang (2015), On avian influenza epidemic models with time delay, Theory in Biosciences 134, 75-82.
  134. G. Zhao and S. Ruan (2015), The decay rates of traveling waves and spectral analysis for a class of nonlocal evolution equations, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 10(6), 142-162.
  135. H.-B. Shi and S. Ruan (2015), Spatial, temporal, and spatiotemporal patterns of diffusive predator-prey models with mutual interference, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 80(5), 1534-1568.
  136. J. Chen, L. Zou, Z. Jin and S. Ruan (2015), Modeling the geographic spread of rabies in China, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 9(5): e0003772. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0003772
  137. Y. Yang, S. Ruan and D. Xiao (2015), Global stability of an age-structured virus dynamics model with Beddington-DeAngelis infection function, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 12, 859-877.
  138. X. Feng, S. Ruan, Z. Teng and K. Wang (2015), Stability and backward bifurcation in a malaria transmission model with applications to the control of malaria in China, Mathematical Biosciences 266, 52-64.
  139. H.-B. Shi, S. Ruan, Y. Su and J.-F. Zhang (2015), Spatiotemporal dynamics of a diffusive Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with ratio-dependent functional response, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 25, No. 5, 1530014.
  140. S. Liu, L. Pang, S. Ruan and X. Zhang (2015), Global dynamics of avian influenza epidemic models with psychological effect, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2015, Article ID 913726, 12 pages.
  141. S.-B. Hsu, S. Ruan and T.-H. Yang (2015), Analysis of three species Lotka-Volterra food web models with omnivory, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 426, 659-687.
  142. L. Zou, S. Ruan and W. Zhang (2015), On the sexual transmission dynamics of Hepatitis B virus in China, Journal of Theoretical Biology 369, 1-12.
  143. L. Pang, S. Ruan, S. Liu, Z. Zhao and X. Zhang (2015), Transmission dynamics and optimal control of measles epidemics, Applied Mathematics and Computation 256, 131-147.
  144. S. Wu and S. Ruan (2015), Entire solutions for nonlocal dispersal equations with spatio-temporal delay: Monostable case, Journal of Differential Equations 258, 2435-2470.
  145. L. Zou and S. Ruan (2015), Schistosomiasis transmission and control in China, Acta Tropica 143, 51-57.
  146. Y. Xiao, J. C. Beier, R. S. Cantrell, C. Cosner, D. DeAngelis, and S. Ruan (2015), Modelling the effects of seasonality and socioeconomic impact on the transmission of Rift Valley Fever virus, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 9(1): e3388. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0003388.
  147. S. Wu, P. Weng and S. Ruan (2015), Spatial dynamics of a lattice population model with two age classes and maturation delay, European Journal of Applied Mathematics 26, 61-91.
  148. J. Zhang, S. Ruan, G. Sun, X. Sun and Z. Jin (2014), Analysis of a multi-patch dynamical model about cattle brucellosis, Journal of Shanghai Normal University (Natural Sciences - Mathematics) 43 (5), 441-455.
  149. D. Gao and S. Ruan (2014), Malaria models with spatial effects, in ``Analyzing and Modeling Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Infectious Diseases,'' D. Chen, B. Moulin, J. Wu (Eds), John Wiley & Sons., Chapter 6, pp. 109-136.
  150. G. Lin and S. Ruan (2014), Traveling wave solutions for delayed reaction-diffusion systems and applications to Lotka-Volterra competition-diffusion models with distributed delays, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 26, 583-605.
  151. D. Gao, Y. Lou and S. Ruan (2014), A periodic Ross-Macdonald model in a patchy environment, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 19(10), 3133-3145.
  152. F. Chamchod, R. S. Cantrell, C. Cosner, A. N. Hassan, J. C. Beier, and S. Ruan (2014), A modeling approach to investigate epizootic outbreaks and enzootic maintenance of Rift Valley Fever virus, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 76, 2052-2072.
  153. J. Huang, S. Ruan and J. Song (2014), Bifurcations in a predator-prey system of Leslie type with generalized Holling type III functional response, Journal of Differential Equations 257, 1721-1752.
  154. G. Zhao and S. Ruan (2014), Time periodic traveling wave solutions for periodic advection-reaction-diffusion systems, Journal of Differential Equations 257, 1078-1147.
  155. Z. Liu, P. Magal and S. Ruan (2014), Normal forms for semilinear equations with non-dense domain with applications to age structured models, Journal of Differential Equations 257, 921-1011.
  156. P. Bi, S. Ruan and X. Zhang (2014), Periodic and chaotic oscillations in a tumor and immune system interaction model with three delays, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 24, 023101. doi: 10.1063/1.4870363.
  157. P. Magal and S. Ruan (2014), Susceptible-infectious-recovered models revisited: From the individual level to the population level, Mathematical Biosciences 250, 26-40.
  158. P. Bi and S. Ruan (2013), Bifurcations in delay differential equations and applications to tumor and immune system interaction models, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 12(4), 1847-1888.
  159. J. Chen, J. Huang, S. Ruan, and J. Wang (2013), Bifurcations of invariant tori in predator-prey models with seasonal prey harvesting, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 73(5), 1876-1905.
  160. S.-B. Hsu, S. Ruan and T.-H. Yang (2013), On the dynamics of two-consumers-one-resource competing systems with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response, Discrete and and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B 18(9), 2331-2353.
  161. Z.-C. Wang, W.-T. Li and S. Ruan (2013), Entire solutions in lattice delayed differential equations with nonlocal interaction: Bistable case, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 8(3), 78-103.
  162. D. Gao, C. Cosner, R. S. Cantrell, J. C. Beier and S. Ruan (2013), Modeling the spatial spread of Rift Valley Fever in Egypt, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 75, 523-542.
  163. J. Huang, Y. Gong and S. Ruan (2013), Bifurcation analysis in a predator-prey model with constant-yield predator harvesting, Discrete and and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B 18, 2101-2121.
  164. L. Zhang, Z. Teng, D. L. DeAngelis and S. Ruan (2013), Single species models with logistic growth and dissymmetric impulse dispersal, Mathematical Biosciences 243, 288-197.
  165. A. Ducrot, P. Magal and S. Ruan (2013), Projectors on the generalized eigenspaces for partial differential equations with time delay, in ``Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems'', J. Mallet-Paret, J. Wu, Y. Yi, and H. Zhu (eds.), Fields Institute Communications 64, 353-390.
  166. Y. Wang, H. Wu and S. Ruan (2013), Global dynamics and bifurcations in a four-dimensional replicator system, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B 18, 259-271.
  167. Z. Liu, P. Magal and S. Ruan (2012), Center-unstable manifolds for non-densely defined Cauchy problems and applications to stability of Hopf bifurcation, Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly 20, 135-178.
  168. S. A. Gourley and S. Ruan (2012), A delay equation model for oviposition habitat selection by mosquitoes, Journal of Mathematical Biology 65, 1125-1148.
  169. F. Chamchod and S. Ruan (2012), Modelling Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in hospitals: Transmission dynamics, antibiotic usage and its history, Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 9, 25. doi:10.1186/1742-4682-9-25.
  170. D. Gao and S. Ruan (2012), A multi-patch malaria model with demographic structure, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 72(3): 819-841. SIAM Nuggets: The Math of Malaria.
  171. J. Zhang, Z. Jin, G.-Q. Sun, X.-D. Sun and S. Ruan (2012), Spatial spread of rabies in China, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 2, 111-126.
  172. Z. Hu, W. Ma and S. Ruan (2012), Analysis of an SIR epidemic model with nonlinear incidence rate and treatment, Mathematical Biosciences 238, 12-20.
  173. J. Zhang, Z. Jin, G.-Q. Sun, X.-D. Sun and S. Ruan (2012), Modeling seasonal rabies epidemics in China, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 74, 1226-1251. Erratum, 75 (2013), 206-211.
  174. E. M. C. D'Agata, M. A. Horn, S. Ruan, G. F. Webb, and J. R. Wares (2012), Efficacy of infection control interventions in reducing the spread of multidrug-resistant organisms in the hospital setting, PLoS ONE 7(2), e30170. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030170.
  175. D. Liu, S. Ruan and D. Zhu (2012), Stable periodic oscillations in a two-stage cancer model of tumor and immune system interactions, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 9, 347-368.
  176. Q. Hou, Z. Jin and S. Ruan (2012), Dynamics of rabies epidemics and the impact of control efforts in Guangdong Province, China, Journal of Theoretical Biology 300, 39-47.
  177. F. Chamchod and S. Ruan (2012), Modeling the spread of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in nursing homes for elderly, PLoS ONE 7(2), e29757. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0029757. Online Supporting Information.
  178. Y. Wang, H. Wu and S. Ruan (2012), Periodic orbits near heteroclinic cycles in a cyclic replicator system, Journal of Mathematical Biology 64, 855-872.
  179. J. Wang, L. Wang, P. Magal, Y. Wang, J. Zhuo, X. Lu, and S. Ruan (2011), Modelling the transmission dynamics of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Beijing Tongren hospital, Journal of Hospital Infection 79, 302-308. Erratum.
  180. X. Li, S. Ruan and D. Xiao (2011), The within-host dynamics of malaria infection with immune response, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 8, 999-1018.
  181. J. Zhang, Z. Jin, G.-Q. Sun, T. Zhou and S. Ruan (2011), Analysis of rabies in China: Transmission dynamics and control (corrected), PLoS ONE 6(7), e20891. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020891. Online Supporting Information (corrected).
  182. Y. Su, S. Ruan and J. Wei (2011), Periodicity and synchronization in blood-stage malaria infection, Journal of Mathematical Biology 63, 557-574.
  183. D. Gao and S. Ruan (2011), An SIS patch model with variable transmission coefficients, Mathematical Biosciences 232, 110-115.
  184. X. Li and S. Ruan (2011), Attractors for non-autonomous parabolic problems with singular initial data, Journal of Differential Equations 251, 728-757
  185. G. Zhao and S. Ruan (2011), Existence, uniqueness and asymptotic stability of time periodic traveling waves for a periodic Lotka-Volterra competition system with diffusion, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 95, 627-671.
  186. G. Lin, W.T. Li and S. Ruan (2011), Monostable wavefronts in cooperative Lotka-Volterra type systems with nonlocal delays, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series A 31, 1-23.
  187. B. J. Coburn, C. Cosner and S. Ruan (2011), Emergence and dynamics of influenza super-strains, BMC Public Health 11(Suppl 1): S6.
  188. Z. Liu, P. Magal and S. Ruan (2011), Hopf bifurcation for non-densely defined Cauchy problems, Zeitschrift fuer angewandte Mathematik und Physik 62, 191-222.
  189. G. Lin, W.T. Li and S. Ruan (2011), Spreading speeds and traveling waves in competitive recursion systems, Journal of Mathematical Biology 62, 165-201.
  190. D. Liu, S. Ruan and D. Zhu (2011), Nongeneric bifurcations near heterodimensional cycles with inclination flip in R4, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S 4, 1511-1532.
  191. L. Zou, X. Chen, W. Zhang and S. Ruan (2011), Dynamics of a model of allelopathy and bacteriocin with a single mutation, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 12, 658-670.
  192. Z. Hu, P. Bi, W. Ma and S. Ruan (2011), Bifurcations of an SIRS epidemic model with nonlinear incidence rate, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B 15, 93-112.
  193. L. Zou, S. Ruan and W. Zhang (2010), An age-structured model for the transmission dynamics of Hepatitis B, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 70, 3121-3139.
  194. Y. Qu, J. Wei and S. Ruan (2010), Stability and bifurcation analysis in hematopoietic stem cell dynamics with multiple delays, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 239, 2011-2014.
  195. A. Ducrot, P. Magal and S. Ruan (2010), Une introduction aux modèles de dynamique de populations structurées en âges et aux problèmes de bifurcations, Gazette des Mathématiciens - Societe Mathematique de France, 125, 27-40 (in French).
  196. S. Ruan, Y. Tang and W. Zhang (2010), Versal unfoldings of predator-prey systems with ratio-dependent functional response, Journal of Differential Equations 249, 1410-1435
  197. H. Sun, X. Lu and S. Ruan (2010), Qualitative analysis of models with different treatment protocols to prevent antibiotic resistance, Mathematical Biosciences 227, 56-67.
  198. Z. Chen, L. Zou, D. Shen, W. Zhang and S. Ruan (2010), Mathematical modelling and control of Schistosomiasis in Hubei Province, China, Acta Tropica 115, 119-125.
  199. P. Magal and S. Ruan (2010), Sustained oscillations in an evolutionary epidemiological model of influenza A drift, Proceedings of Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 466, 965-992.
  200. L. Zou, W. Zhang and S. Ruan (2010), Modelling the transmission dynamics and control of Hepatitis B virus in China, Journal of Theoretical Biology 262, 330-338. Erratum, 317 (2013), 425-427.
  201. A. Ducrot, P. Magal and S. Ruan (2010), Travelling wave solutions in multi-group age-structured epidemic models, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 195, 311-331.
  202. G.F. Webb, M.A. Horn; E.M.C. D'Agata, R.C. Moellering and S. Ruan (2010), Competition of hospital-acquired and community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains in hospitals, Journal of Biological Dynamics 4, 115-129.
  203. G. Lin, W.T. Li and S. Ruan (2010), Asymptotic stability of monostable wavefronts in discrete-time integral recursions, Sciences in China - Series A: Mathematics 53, 1185-1194. Chinese Edition 39(2009), 679-688.
  204. J. Xia, Z. Liu, R. Yuan and S. Ruan (2009), The effects of harvesting and time delay on predator-prey systems with Holling type II functional response, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 70, 1178-1200.
  205. P. Magal and S. Ruan (2009), On semilinear Cauchy problems with non-dense domain, Advances in Differential Equations 14, No. 11-12, 1041-1084.
  206. S. Ruan and J. Wu (2009), Modeling Spatial Spread of Communicable Diseases Involving Animal Hosts, in ``Spatial Ecology'', Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 293-316.
  207. P. Magal and S. Ruan (2009), Center Manifolds for Semilinear Equations with Non-dense Domain and Applications to Hopf Bifurcation in Age Structured Models, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 202, No. 951.
  208. J. Chu, A. Ducrot, P.Magal, S. Ruan (2009), Hopf bifurcation in a size structured population dynamic model with random growth, Journal of Differential Equations 247, 956-1000.
  209. C. Cosner, J. C. Beier, R.S.Cantrell, D. Impoinvil, L. Kapitanski, M. D. Potts, A.Troyo, and S. Ruan (2009), The effects of human movement on the persistence of vector borne diseases, Journal of Theoretical Biology 258, 550-560.
  210. D. Liu, S. Ruan and D. Zhu (2009), Bifurcation analysis in models of tumor and immune system interactions, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 12, 151-168.
  211. S. Ruan (2009), On nonlinear dynamics of predator-prey models with discrete delay, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 4(2i), 140-188.
  212. E. M. C. D'Agata, G. F. Webb, M. A. Horn, R. C. Moellering Jr. and S. Ruan (2009), Modeling the invasion of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureusi into the hospital setting, Clinical Infectious Diseases 48, 274-284.
  213. Z.-C. Wang, W.-T. Li and S. Ruan (2009), Entire solutions in bistable reaction-diffusion equations with nonlocal delayed nonlinearity, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 361, 2047-2084.
  214. E.M.C. D'Agata, M. Dupont-Rouzeyrol, P. Magal, D. Olivier and S. Ruan (2008), The impact of different antibiotic regimens on the emergence of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria, PLoS ONE 3(12), e4036. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0004036
  215. Y. Tang, D. Huang, S. Ruan and W. Zhang (2008), Coexistence of limit cycles and homoclinic loops in an SIRS model with nonlinear incidence rate, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 69, 621-639.
  216. A. Morozov, S. Ruan and B.-L. Li (2008), Patterns of patchy spread in multi-species reaction-diffusion models, Ecological Complexity 5, 313-328.
  217. D. L. DeAngelis, J. M. Koslow, J. Jiang and S. Ruan (2008), Host mating system and the spread of a disease-resistant allele in a population, Theoretical Population Biology 74, 191-198. Supplementary data
  218. Z.-C. Wang, W.-T. Li and S. Ruan (2008), Traveling fronts in monostable equations with nonlocal delayed effects, J. Dynamics and Differential Equations 20, 573-607.
  219. C. Magal, C. Cosner, S. Ruan and J. Casas (2008), Control of invasive hosts by generalist parasitoids, Mathematical Medicine and Biology 25, 1-20.
  220. S. Ruan, Y. Tang and W. Zhang (2008), Computing the heteroclinic bifurcation curves in predator-prey systems with ratio-dependent functional response, J. Mathematical Biology 57, 223-241.
  221. S. Ruan, D. Xiao and J. C. Beier (2008), On the delayed Ross-Macdonald model for malaria transmission, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 70, 1098-1114.
  222. Z. Liu, P. Magal and S. Ruan (2008), Projectors on the generalized eigenspaces for functional differential equations using integrated semigroups, J. Differential Equations 244, 1784-1809.
  223. W.-T. Li, S. Ruan and Z.-C. Wang (2007), On the diffusive Nicholson's blowflies equation with nonlocal delays, J. Nonlinear Sciences 17, 505-525.
  224. S. Ruan, A. Ardito, P. Ricciardi and D. L. DeAngelis (2007), Coexistence in competition models with density dependent mortality, Comptes Rendus Biologies 330, 845-854.
  225. E. M. C. D'Agata, P. Magal, D. Olivier, S. Ruan and G. F. Webb (2007), Modeling antibiotic resistance in hospitals: The impact of minimizing treatment duration, J. Theoretical Biology 249, 487-499.
  226. D. Xiao and S. Ruan (2007), Global analysis of an epidemic model with nonmonotone incidence rate, Mathematical Biosciences 208, 419-429.
  227. K. P. Hadeler and S. Ruan (2007), Interaction of diffusion and delay, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 8(1), 95-105.
  228. Z.-C. Wang, W.-T. Li and S. Ruan (2007), Existence and stability of traveling wave fronts in reaction advection diffusion equations with nonlocal delay, J. Differential Equations 238, 153-200.
  229. P. Magal and S. Ruan (2007), On integrated semigroups and age structured models in Lp spaces, Differential Integral Equations 20(2), 197-239.
  230. S. Ruan (2007), Spatial-Temporal Dynamics in Nonlocal Epidemiological Models, in ``Mathematics for Life Science and Medicine'', Y. Takeuchi, K. Sato and Y. Iwasa (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 97-122 .
  231. M. Adimy, F. Crauste and S. Ruan (2006), Modelling hematopoiesis mediated by growth factors with applications to periodic hematological diseases, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 68, 2321-2351.
  232. S. Ruan (2006), Delay Differential Equations in Single Species Dynamics, in "Delay Differential Equations with Applications", ed. by O. Arino, M. Hbid and E. Ait Dads, NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 205, Springer, Berlin, pp. 477-517.
  233. M. Adimy, F. Crauste and S. Ruan (2006), Periodic oscillations in leukopoiesis models with two delays, J. Theoretical Biology 242, 288-299.
  234. W.-T. Li, G. Lin and S. Ruan (2006), Existence of traveling wave solutions in delayed reaction-diffusion systems with applications to diffusion-competition systems, Nonlinearity 19, 1253-1273.
  235. E. D'Agata, P. Magal, S. Ruan and G. F. Webb (2006), Asymptotic behavior in nosocomial epidemic models with antibiotic resistance, Differential and Integral Equations 19, 573-600.
  236. Z.-C. Wang, W.-T. Li and S. Ruan (2006), Travelling wave fronts in reaction-diffusion systems with spatio-temporal delays, J. Differential Equations 222(1), 185-232.
  237. S. Ruan and W. Zhang (2005), Exponential dichotomies, the Fredholm alternative, and transverse homoclinic orbits in partial functional differential equations, J. Dynamics and Differential Equations 17(4), 759-777.
  238. G. F. Webb, E. M. C. D'Agata, P. Magal and S. Ruan (2005), A model of antibiotic resistant bacterial epidemics in hospitals, Proceedings of the National Academics of Sciences of the USA, 102(37), 13343-13348. Supporting Text
  239. M. Adimy, F. Crauste and S. Ruan (2005), A mathematical study of the hematopoiesis process with applications to Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, SIAM J. Applied Mathematics 65, 1328-1352.
  240. G. Fu, W. Ma and S. Ruan (2005), Qualitative analysis of a chemostat model with inhibitory exponential substrate uptake, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 23, 873-886.
  241. M. Adimy, F. Crauste and S. Ruan (2005), Stability and Hopf bifurcation in a mathematical model of pluripotent stem cell dynamics, Nonlinear Analysis: Series B - Real World Applications 6, 651-670.
  242. J. Huang, G. Lu and S. Ruan (2005), Traveling wave solutions in delayed lattice differential equations with partial monotonicity, Nonlinear Analysis: Series A - Theory and Methods 60, 1331-1350.
  243. P. Katri and S. Ruan (2004), Dynamics of human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus I (HTLV-I) infection of CD4+ T-cells, Comptes Rendus Biologies 327, 1009-1016.
  244. A. B. Gumel, S. Ruan, T. Day, J. Watmough, F. Brauer, P. van den Driessche, D. Gabrielson, C. Bowman, M. E. Alexander, S. Ardal, J. Wu, and B. M. Sahai (2004), Modeling strategies for controlling SARS outbreaks, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences 271, Number 1554, 2223 - 2232. Electronic Appendix
  245. S. Ruan and D. Xiao (2004), Stability of steady states and existence of traveling waves in a vector disease model, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Sect. A - Mathematics 134, 991-1011.
  246. S. Ruan and R. S. Filfil (2004), Dynamics of a two-neuron system with discrete and distributed delays, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 191, 323-342.
  247. W. Wang and S. Ruan (2004), Simulating the SARS outbreak in Beijing with limited data, J. Theoretical Biology 227, 369-379.
  248. R. V. Culshaw, S. Ruan and R. J. Spiteri (2004), Optimal HIV treatment by maximising immune response, J. Mathematical Biology 48, 545-562
  249. R. S. Cantrell, C. Cosner and S. Ruan (2004), Intraspecific interference and consumer-resource dynamics, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - 4B, 527-546.
  250. W. Wang and S. Ruan (2004), Bifurcations in an epidemic model with constant removal rate of the infectives, J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications 291, 775-793.
  251. S. Gourley and S. Ruan (2003), Convergence and travelling fronts in functional differential equations with nonlocal terms: A competition model, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 35, 806-822.
  252. S. Ruan and J. Wei (2003), On the zeros of transcendental functions with applications to stability of delay differential equations with two delays, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems 10, 863-874 .
  253. S. Gourley and S. Ruan (2003), Spatio-temporal delays in plankton models: local stability and bifurcations, Applied Mathematics and Computation 145, 391-412.
  254. R. Culshaw, S. Ruan and G. F. Webb (2003), A mathematical model of cell-to-cell spread of HIV that includes a time delay, J. Mathematical Biology 46, 425-444.
  255. S. Ruan, J. Wei and J. Wu (2003), Bifurcation from a homoclinic orbit in partial functional differential equations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - 9A, 1293-1322.
  256. J. Huang, G. Lu and S. Ruan (2003), Existence of traveling wave solutions for a diffusive predator-prey model, J. Mathematical Biology 46, 132-152.
  257. S. Ruan and W. Wang (2003), Dynamical behavior of an epidemic model with a nonlinear incidence rate, J. Differential Equations 188, 135-163.
  258. J. Wei and S. Ruan (2002), Stability and global Hopf bifurcation for neutral differential equations, Acta Mathematica Sinica 45, 93-104 (in Chinese).
  259. D. Xiao and S. Ruan (2001), Multiple bifurcations in a delayed predator-prey system with nonmonotonic functional response, J. Differential Equations 176, 494-510.
  260. S. Ruan (2001), Absolute stability, conditional stability and bifurcation in Kolmogorov-type predator-prey systems with discrete delays, Quart. Appl. Math. 59, 159-173.
  261. D. Xiao and S. Ruan (2001), Global dynamics of a ratio-dependent predator-prey system, J. Mathematical Biology 43, 268-290.
  262. A. Martin and S. Ruan (2001), Predator-prey models with delay and prey harvesting, J. Mathematical Biology 43, 247-267.
  263. D. Xiao and S. Ruan (2001), Codimension two bifurcations in a predator-prey system with group defense, International J. Bifurcations and Chaos 11, 2123-2131.
  264. K. Boushaba and S. Ruan (2001), Instability in diffusive ecological models with nonlocal delay effects, J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications 258, 269-286.
  265. S. Ruan and J. Wei (2001), On the zeros of a third degree exponential polynomial with applications to a delayed model for the control of testosterone secretion, IMA J. Mathematics Applied in Medicine and Biology 18, 41-52.
  266. S. Ruan (2001), Oscillations in plankton models with nutrient recycling, J. Theoretical Biology 208, 15-26.
  267. S. Ruan and D. Xiao (2001), Global analysis in a predator-prey system with nonmonotonic functional response, SIAM J. Applied Mathematics 61, 1445-1472.
  268. S. A. Gourley and S. Ruan (2000), Dynamics of the diffusive Nicholson's blowflies equation with distributed delays, Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 130, 1275-1291.
  269. R. V. Culshaw and S. Ruan (2000), A delay-differential equation model of HIV infection of CD4+ T-cells, Mathematical Biosciences 165, 27-39.
  270. S. Ruan and J. Clements (2000), Existence and uniqueness of solutions of retarded quasilinear wave equations, Fields Institute Communications 25, 473-483.
  271. J. Wei and S. Ruan (1999), Absolute stability in delay differential equations, in ``Dynamical Systems,'' ed. by Y. Jiang and L. Wen, World Scientific Pub., Singapore, pp. 275-280.
  272. S. Ruan and J. Wei (1999), Periodic solutions of planar systems with two delays, Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh Ser. A 129, 1017-1032.
  273. S. A. Campbell, S. Ruan and J. Wei (1999), Qualitative analysis of a neural network model with multiple delays, International J. Bifurcations and Chaos 9, 1585-1595.
  274. S. Ruan and X.-Q. Zhao (1999), Persistence and extinction in two species reaction-diffusion Lotka-Volterra systems with delays, J. Differential Equations 156, 71-92.
  275. D. Xiao and S. Ruan (1999), Bogdanov-Takens bifurcations in harvested predator-prey systems, Fields Institute Communications 21, 493-506.
  276. X. Li, S. Ruan and J. Wei (1999), Stability and bifurcation in delay-differential equations with two delays, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 236, 254-280.
  277. J. Wei and S. Ruan (1999), Stability and bifurcation in a neural network model with two delays, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 130, 255-272.
  278. X. He and S. Ruan (1998), Global stability in chemostat-type plankton models with delayed nutrient recycling, J. Math. Biol. 37, 253-271.
  279. S. Ruan (1998), Turing instability and travelling waves in diffusive plankton models with delayed nutrient recycling, IMA J. Appl. Math. 61, 15-32.
  280. S. Ruan, J. Wei and D. Xiao (1998), Hopf bifurcation in a reaction-diffusion predator-prey model with group defence, in ``Advanced Topics in Biomathematics,'' ed. by L. Chen, S. Ruan and J. Zhu, World Scientific Pub., Singapore, pp. 219-227.
  281. X. He, S. Ruan and H. Xia (1998), Global stability in chemostat-type equations with distributed delays, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 29, 681-696.
  282. S. Ruan (1998), Diffusion-driven instability in the Giere-Meinhardt model of morphogenesis, Natural Resource Modelling 11, 131-142.
  283. S. Ruan and X. He (1998), Global stability in chemostat-type competition models with nutrient recycling, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 58, 170-192. Erratum
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  285. S. Ruan (1997),The dynamics of chemostat models, J. Central China Normal University 31, 377-397.
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  287. S. Ruan and G. Wolkowicz (1996), Bifurcation analysis of a chemostat model with a distributed delay, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 204, 786-812.
  288. Z. Deng and S. Ruan (1996), On second order linear differential systems, in ``Differential Equations and Control Theory,'' ed. by Z. Deng et al., Marcer Dekker, New York, pp. 21-33.
  289. F. Yang and S. Ruan (1996), A generalization of the Butler-McGehee lemma and its applications in persistence theory, Differential and Integral Equations 9, 1321-1330.
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  291. S. Ruan and J. Wu (1994), Reaction-diffusion equations with infinite delay, Can. Appl. Math. Quart. 2, 485-550.
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