General Information The workshop will be of Oberwolfach style: there will be 30 minute talks, panel discussions, etc. focusing on (1) communication of current research results, ideas, and problems in dynamical systems and their applications in biology, (2) future research directions in dynamical systems and mathematical biology, and (3) initiating further collaborations.
Lodge The workshop will be held in the Canadian Coast Guard College. A block of rooms has been reserved in the Canadian Coast Guard College, please contact the following person for reservation.
Danielle Laroche tel: 902-567-3207 fax: 902-564-2472 e-mail: LarocheD@mar.dfo-mpo.gc.caThey accept Visa, Master card, American express, debit cards, cheque, and cash. All the rooms have private bath, telephone, cable TV, voice mail, clock radio, towels and daily maid service. The prices, which include MEALS, access to the recreation/fitness centre and parking, are (in Canadian dollar):
Room with a single-bed: $84.00 per night Room with a double bed, 1 occupant: $96.00 Room with a double bed, 2 occupants: $116.00 ($20.00 to cover the meals of the extra person)
From Sydney Airport to the Canadian Coast Guard College, you have to take a taxi, which costs about $20. Ask the taxi driver take you to the Alert Building, where you have to register for your room. The talks will be in the Study Hall which is also located in the Alert Building.
To get to the Canadian Coast Guard College, drive along HWY 104 and HWY 105 till Sydney Harbour, change to HWY 125, then turn to HWY 239 (Westmount Road) and drive along the waterfront, you will see the college. Once you found the college, follow the main entry road (promenade du College Boulevard), taking the second right (chemn Alert Drive) to the parking lots. Continue through the first two parking lots to Number 6. Look for the ALERT sign at the begining of the walkway to the Alert entrance.
"I have travelled around the globe. I have seen the Canadian and American Rockies, the Andes, the Alps and Highlands of Scotland, but for simple beauty, Cape Breton outrivals them all." -- Alexander Graham BellAccording to Conde Nast Travel magazine, Cape Breton is the most beautiful island in the world. Highlights include the Cabot Trail (the most scenic highways on the continent), the Alexander Graham Bell Museum, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, the Marconi Historical Site, Fortress of Louisbourg, and many more. Do not forget the famous Cape Breton music.
Workshop Schedule and Abstracts
Confirmed Participants (to be updated) Mostafa Bachar (Graz, Austria), Chris Bauch (McMaster, Canada), Fred Brauer (UBC, Canada), Sue Ann Campbell (Waterloo, Canada), Robert Cantrell (Miami, USA), Ross Cressman (Wilfred Laurier, Canada), Rebecca Culshaw (Dalhousie, Canada), Jim Cushing (Arizona, USA), Andy Foster (Memorial, Canada), Herb Freedman (Alberta, Canada), Stephen Gourley (Surrey, UK), John R. Haddock (Memphis, USA), Maoan Han (Shanghai Jiaotong, P. R. China), Josef Hofbauer (Vienna, Austria), Ying-Hen Hsieh (National Chung-Hsing, Taiwan), Wenzhang Huang (Alabama, USA), Bill Langford (Guelph, Canada), Weigu Li (Peking, P. R. China), Xinzhi Liu (Waterloo, Canada), Julian Lopez-Gomez (UCM, Spain), Connell McCluskey (Alberta, Canada), Miriam Nuno (Cornell, USA), Jiong Ruan (Fudan, P. R. China), Shigui Ruan (Dalhousie, Canada), James F Selgrade (North Carolina State, USA), Hal Smith (Arizona Stat, USA), Joseph So (Alberta, Canada), Baojun Song (Cornell, USA), Yasuhiro Takeuchi (Shizuoka, Japan), Yun Tang (Qinghua, P. R. China), Pauline van den Driessche (Victoria, Canada), Lin Wang (MUN, Canada), James Watmough (New Brunswick, Canada), Jianhong Wu (York, Canada), Gail Wolkowicz (McMaster, Canada), Abdul-Aziz Yakubu (Cornell, USA), Yingfei Yi (Georgia Tech, USA), Mary Lou Zeeman (San Antonio, USA), Meirong Zhang (Qinghua, P. R. China), Xiao-Qiang Zhao (Memorial, Canada), Huaiping Zhu (McMaster, Canada), Xingfu Zou (Memorial, Canada).
Proceedings The Proceedings of the workshop will be published by the American Mathematical Society as a volume in the Fields Institute Communications. The volume editors will be Shigui Ruan, Gail Wolkowicz and Jianhong Wu. Both research papers and state-of-the-art review survey papers\footnote{This is Dr. Gelfand's concept of the ideal review paper which is: (a) up to date in its field, (b) bringing together significant new ideas in one place (for the first time), and (c) serving as a tutorial to the research articles in the same volume.} are welcome. According to the American Mathematical Society policy, all papers must contain original, journal-quality work and must be in ``final form'' in the sense that a longer or substantially similar version will not be published elsewhere. All papers will be refereed.
Manuscripts should be prepared following the FIC ``Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for Authors''. The deadline for submission is October 1, 2001. Please submit three copies of the manuscript to
Professor Jianhong Wu Department of Mathematics and Statistics York University Toronto, Ontario CANADA M3J 1P3 E-mail:
For further information, please contact
Professor Shigui Ruan Department of Mathematics and Statistics Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada B3H 3J5 Tel: (902) 494-6635 Fax: (902) 494-5130 E-mail: