Yahoo! Internet Life

Wish upon the Net...

By Ron Bel Bruno

March 1998
Volume 4, Number 3
Page 24

Is it the end for Mr. Toad's Wild Ride at Disney World? Late last year, the Disney Corp. was "evaluating" the replacement of the 26-year-old attraction, possibly with a Winnie the Pooh amusement, says Diane Ledder, a company spokeswoman. In reaction to this sobering news, a die-hard contingent of Web-proficient protesters at The Continuing Saga ( is mad as hell about the switch -- and it's hawking buttons (pictured here) and a mailing list to prove it.
All content ©1998 Yahoo! Internet Life.
NOTE: Now we have buttons for sale, but we didn't at the time this article was printed, so they are inadvertently semi-correct...while we do have buttons, they don't look like the one in the picture. They look like this. Also, that link points to our news page, not to the main section of the site. Still, it's a national magazine. It's in color, too.