MTH 782: Topics in Topology

University of Miami, Fall 2023

Instructor: Christopher Scaduto
Email: c.scaduto @
Office: Ungar 525
Office hours: 8:15-9:15 Tuesday, 11-12 Thursday, or by appointment
Time and Location: TuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PM, Ungar 406

Course syllabus can be found here.

There is no single textbook for the course. References for some material covered:

[DK] The Geometry of Four-manifolds by Donaldson and Kronheimer
[Mor] The Seiberg-Witten Equations and Applications to the Topology of Smooth 4-Manifolds by Morgan
[Moo] Lecture Notes on Seiberg-Witten Invariants by Moore
[KM] The Genus of Embedded Surfaces in the Projective Plane by Kronheimer and Mrowka
[GS] 4-manifolds and Kirby Calculus by Gompf and Stipsicz
[AHS] Self-Duality in Four-Dimensional Riemannian Geometry by Atiyah, Hitchin, Singer
[D] Self-dual connections and the topology of smooth 4-manifolds by Donaldson
[Dbm] Nahm's equations and the classification of monopoles by Donaldson
[AH] The Geometry and Dynamics of Magnetic Monopoles by Atiyah and Hitchin
[FS] The blowup formula for Donaldson invariants by Fintushel and Stern
[FS2] Knots, links, and 4-manifolds by Fintushel and Stern
[KM1] Embedded surfaces and the structure of Donaldson's polynomial invariants by Kronheimer and Mrowka
[KM2] Monopoles and Three-Manifolds by Kronheimer and Mrowka
[D2] Floer Homology Groups in Yang-Mills Theory by Donaldson
[S] Notes for the course written by myself. (These will be emailed.)

Course Schedule

Date Lecture Content Reading
8/22/23 Introduction. Basic invariants of 4-manifolds. Lattices. [DK] 1.1, 1.2, [S]
8/24/23 Freedman's Classification. Rohlin's Theorem. [S]
8/29/31 Statement of Donaldson's Theorem. Big open questions. [S]
8/31/23 Basics of Characteristic classes. Hirzebruch Signature Theorem. [GS] Ch.1
9/5/23 Differential forms. Hodge theorem. [DK] Ch.1, [S]
9/7/23 (anti-)self-dual forms. ASD complex. the period map. [S]
9/12/23 Bundles and connections. [DK] Ch.2, [S]
9/14/23 New connections from old. Gauge group. Parallel transport. [DK] Ch.2, [S]
9/19/23 Curvature. [DK] Ch.2, [S]
9/21/23 Flat connections and holonomy. Chern Weil theory. [DK] Ch.2, [S]
9/26/23 Yang-Mills functional. Instantons. [DK] Ch.2, [S]
9/28/23 The basic instanton. Instantons on S4. [DK] 3.3, 3.4, [S]
10/3/23 Moduli theory 1. [DK] Ch.4 (especially 4.2, 4.3), [S]
10/5/23 Moduli theory 2. [DK] Ch.4, [S]
10/10/23 Atiyah-Hitchin-Singer Theorem. [AHS], [S]
10/12/23 Proof of Donaldson's Diagonalization Theorem. [D], [DK] Ch.8 (8.1)
10/17/23 Fall Recess
10/19/23 Some more details on reducibles. Donaldson invariants.
10/24/23 First applications of Donaldson invariants. [DK] Ch.9
10/26/23 Remarks U(2) bundles. Dimensional reductions. Bogomolny Monopoles. [AH]
10/31/23 More BMs. Vanishing results for Donaldson invariants. [Dbm]
11/2/23 The blowup formula for Donaldson invariants. [FS]
11/7/23 Kronheimer and Mrowka's structure theorem. [KM1]
11/9/23 Intro to Seiberg-Witten theory. [KM2] Ch 1, see also [Moo], [Mor]
11/14/23 SW invariants and Witten's Conjecture. [KM2] Ch 1
11/16/23 Adjunction inequalities from SW theory. Fintushel Stern knot surgery. [KM2] 40.2, [FS2]
11/21/23 Thanksgiving Recess
11/23/23 Thanksgiving Recess
11/28/23 Intro to Morse homology. The Chern-Simons functional. [KM2] Ch 1, [D2] Ch 1