MTH 311: Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations

University of Miami, Fall 2019

Instructor: Christopher Scaduto
Email: c.scaduto @
Office: Ungar 525
Office hours: 11:15-12:15 MF, 2:30-3:30 W, or by appointment

I am teaching two sections for this course:

MTH 311 C 10:10-11:00 MWF @ Dooly Memorial 102
MTH 311 F 1:25-2:15 MWF @ Mahoney Pearson 118

The course syllabus can be found here.

Course Schedule

Date Lecture Content Reading
8/19/19 Syllabus overview, "What is an ODE?", Separation of variables 1.1, 1.2, 1.4
8/21/19 Separation of variables (cont.), Application: physics problems 1.4
8/23/19 Applications: population growth, radioactive decay, heating and cooling 1.4
8/26/19 Linear 1st order differential equations 1.5
8/28/19 Applications: mixing problems, electrical circuits 1.5
8/30/19 Class canceled (hurricane prep)
9/2/19 Labor day (no class)
9/4/19 Slope fields 1.3
9/6/19 Euler's method, Existence and Uniqueness 2.4, 1.3
9/9/19 Existence and Uniqueness (cont.) 1.3
9/11/19 Population Models 2.1
9/13/19 Population Models (cont.) 2.2
9/16/19 Substitution methods 1.6
9/18/19 Linear ODE of higher order 3.1, 3.2
9/20/19 Second order linear ODE and the Wronskian 3.1, 3.2
9/23/19 More Wronskians: higher order case 3.1, 3.2
9/25/19 Review for midterm 1. Here is a practice exam: pdf
9/27/19 Midterm 1 (in class) Solutions: pdf
9/30/19 Nonhomogeneous linear equations 3.1, 3.2
10/2/19 Constant coefficient equations 3.1, 3.2
10/4/19 Constant coefficient equations: complex roots 3.3
10/7/19 Spring models (without external forces) 3.4
10/9/19 Spring models (cont.), Method of undetermined coefficients 3.4, 3.5
10/11/19 Method of undetermined coefficients (cont.) 3.5
10/14/19 Resonance, Variation of parameters 3.6, 3.5
10/16/19 Variation of parameters (cont.) 3.5
10/18/19 Fall recess (no class)
10/21/19 Introduction to systems of ODE 4.1
10/23/19 Matrix operations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors 5.1, 5.2
10/25/19 Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors 5.1, 5.2
10/28/19 Review for midterm 2. Here is a practice exam: pdf Solutions: pdf
10/30/19 Midterm 2 (in class) Solutions: pdf
11/1/19 Solving linear systems using eigenvalues and eigenvectors 5.2
11/4/19 Intro to phase portraits 5.3
11/6/19 Phase portraits: complex eigenvalues 5.3
11/8/19 More phase portraits 5.3
11/11/19 Non-linear systems: predator-prey model 6.1, 6.3
11/13/19 Non-linear systems: method of linearization 6.2
11/15/19 Linearization of non-linear systems (cont.), Laplace transform 6.2, 7.1
11/18/19 Laplace transforms: definition and basic properties 7.1, 7.2, 7.4
11/20/19 More Laplace transforms; method of partial fractions 7.3
11/22/19 Laplce tranforms and discontinuous functions 7.5, 7.6
11/27/19 Thanksgiving break
12/2/19 Power series methods 8.1, 8.5
Practice problems for the final exam: pdf Solutions: pdf

Homework Assignments

All homeworks are worth the same, even if graded out of different totals.

Assignment Due Date Remarks
Homework 1 8/30/19 9/4/19 9/6/19 Out of 30; 5 problems graded (1,4,6,7,10), 5 pts each, + 5 pts for completeness
Homework 2 9/6/19 9/9/19 Out of 30; 5 problems graded (1-5), 5 pts each, + 5 pts for completeness
Homework 3 9/13/19 Out of 20; all 4 problems graded, 5 pts each. Solutions: pdf
Homework 4 9/20/19 Out of 30; 5 problems graded (1-4, 6), 5 pts each, + 5 pts for completeness. Solutions: pdf
Homework 5 10/11/19 Out of 25; 4 problems graded (1, 2, 4, 6), 5 pts each, + 5 pts for completeness. Solutions: pdf
Homework 6 10/21/19 Out of 25; ~4 problems graded (1, 2, 3(a,b), 5), 5 pts each, + 5 pts for completeness. Solutions: pdf
Homework 7 10/28/19 Out of 10; all problems graded. Solutions: pdf
Homework 8 11/11/19 Out of 30; all problems graded but the last, 5 pts each, + 5 pts for completeness. Solutions: pdf
Homework 9 11/20/19 Out of 20; both problems graded for 10 pts. Solutions: pdf
Homework 10 12/2/19 Solutions: pdf

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