- Bruno De Oliveira, Yohannes Asega, Michael Weiss “Surface quotient singularities and big cotangent bundle: Part II”, (2024) (to appear in European Journal of Mathematics)
- Bruno De Oliveira, Yohannes Asega, Michael Weiss “Surface quotient singularities and big cotangent bundle: Part I”, (2023) (to appear in European Journal of Mathematics)
- Bruno De Oliveira; Michael Weiss, "Resolution of surfaces with big cotangent bundle and A_2 singularities",
Boletim Sociedade Portuguesa Matematica, 77 (2020), 39-52
- Bruno De Oliveira; Christopher Langdon, "Twisted Symmetric Differentials and the Quadric Algebra of Subvarieties of P^N of Low
Codimension", European Journal of Mathematics, vol 5, (2018) 454-475
- Bruno De Oliveira; Fedor Bogomolov, "Local Structure of Closed Symmetric 2-differentials",
Proceedings of the conference "Foliations in Algebraic Geometry", Simons Institute, Springer Verlag (2016), 53-71
- Bruno De Oliveira; Fedor Bogomolov, "Closed symmetric 2-differentials of the 1st kind"
Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, vol 9 (4) (2013) 613-643 download(pdf)
- Bruno De Oliveira; Fedor Bogomolov, "Symmetric differentials of rank 1 and holomorphic maps"
Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, vol 7 (4) (2011) 1085-1104 download(pdf)
- Bruno De Oliveira; Fedor Bogomolov, "Symmetric tensors and the geometry of
subvarieties of $\Bbb P^N$" GAFA vol.18 (2008) 637-656 download(pdf)
- Bruno De Oliveira; Fedor Bogomolov, "Hyperbolicity of nodal hypersurfaces";
J. Reine Angew. Math. 596 (2006) 89--101 download(pdf)
- Bruno De Oliveira; Fedor Bogomolov, "Vanishing theorems of negative vector
bundles and the convexity of coverings "; Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 15
(2006) 207-222 download(pdf)
- Bruno De Oliveira; Fedor Bogomolov, "Holomorphic functions and vector
bundles on coverings of projective varieties"; Journal of Asian
Mathematics, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2005), 295-314 download(pdf)
- Bruno De Oliveira; Fedor Bogomolov; Paolo Casini, "Singularities on
complete algebraic varieties"; Center Euro J. of Math. (2005) (to
appear) download(pdf)
- Bruno De Oliveira; "Complex Cobordisms and Embeddability of CR-manifolds";
Mathematical Research Letters; 10, 695-708 (2003) download(pdf)
- Bruno De Oliveira; Ludmil Katzarkov; Mohan Ramachandran; "Deformations of large fundamental
groups"; Geometric and Functional Analysis; Vol. 12 (2002); 651-668; download(pdf)
- Bruno De Oliveira "A counter example to: embeddability is a complex cobordism invariant";
Appendix to "Can a good manifold come to a bad end?" by Henkin, G., Epstein; Tr. Mat. Inst. Steklov;
Vol. 325 (2001); 71-93
- Bruno De Oliveira; Fedor Bogomolov, "Stein Small Deformations of Strictly
Pseudoconvex Surfaces"; Contemporary Mathematics; Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 207 (1998);
25-41 download(pdf)
- Bruno De Oliveira; "Obstructions to Lift Curves on Surface Deformations and Hodge Theory";
Thesis, Columbia University; (1997); 1-66
In Preparation
- Bruno De Oliveira, Damian Brotbek, Erwan Rousseau, (2025) " On the geography of surfaces with big cotangent bundle"