Office: 409 Ungar Building
Phone: (305) 284-2418
Office hours: Wednesday 2 – 4 pm, also
by appointment
Differential Topology, by Victor Guillemin and Alan
This is the second semester of the introductory topology course. It covers basics of the topology of smooth manifolds, including definition and examples of smooth manifolds and maps, submanifolds and transversality, Sard's theorem, some intersection theory with applications to topology, differential forms, integration on manifolds and Stokes’ theorem.
The homework will be assigned during the class. Homework assignments can also be found at The homework will be collected and graded. The homework assigned during any given week will be collected on Thursday next week.
There will be one midterm and the final. The time of the
midterm will be announced at least two weeks in advance. The final exam is
scheduled for Thursday, May 4, from